
EC Youth Group SynergY promotes social and economic justice for EC plus 15

Guest post by Simran Vedvyas, Earth Charter Youth UAE

Dubai Cares and its initiatives are supporting millions worldwide by their support to Education and the residents are very proud to join in.

“I have participated every year since the first walk took place and this is my 6th time” says Simran Vedvyas, the founder of SynergY and Country Activator for Earth Charter UAE.

Dubai Cares organizes this Walk for Education, which calls upon residents and organizations in the UAE to walk three kilometers in solidarity with the millions of children in developing countries that walk long distances on a daily basis to go to school.

SynergY took part in support of the Dubai Cares initiative but also in support of the Earth Charter +15 celebrations under the slogan “One Earth Community, One Common Destiny”. The members of SynergY enjoyed cheering and singing and even the group’s youngest participants Avishi Chauhan and Nithya Makin who are only six years old, completed the full walk.

SynergY has promoted the Walk through social media and has seen rise in number of participants each year. The group has a dedicated page for supporting the cause – says Aswathi Jayakumar, a student and group member. SynergY is constantly promoting and raising awareness about the Millennium Development Goals and Education for All is crucial and important, especially “Primary Education in developing countries”. SynergY learns from the Earth Charter and affirms gender equality and equity as prerequisites to sustainable development and to ensure universal access to education, health care, and economic opportunity. SynergY asks all members of civil society to reach out and find how they can support and teach at least one child and how this will make a difference.

To connect with SynergY- [email protected]
And, like the facebook page – www.facebook.com/CosmoFoundationYouth