
New article from Burundi on combating corruption

Vital Nshimirimana, the CEO of the Burundi Bar Association and coordinator of the Résau de citoyenes probes, ECI Affiliate in Burundi, recently published an article titled “Earth Charter in Combating Corruption“.

In Burundi, Vital has been working intensively to raise awareness about the consequences of corruption, both in rural communities and at the national level. 

In this article, he argues that “corruption is one of the main obstacles for many to meet the minimum requirements for their livelihoods… it is a threat to world’s peace and security and it undermines the enjoyment of fundamental human rights, the environment and sustainable development.”

The article affirms “that the Earth Charter offers an ethical response likely to contribute in combating corruption and its awful consequences”. Giving educational opportunities to youth, educators, and policy makers, among others, on ethics and sustainability, it will be possible to raise awareness about the costs of corruption and the importance of tackling it to move towards a more sustainable future.

Read the article here.