
Actions with the Earth Charter in Mexico

Municipality of Monterrey endorses The Earth Charter

On September 19th, the Municipality of Monterrey joined the effort of the Earth Charter Initiative in the search for common wellness and the senses of shared responsibility in the care for the Environment.

The event was held at the Technological Institute of Monterrey, where the commitment to the principles of the Earth Charter and to implementing the necessary strategies for creating a new form of life focused on values, respect, human rights, and care for the environment, was signed.

Mateo Alfredo Castillo, member of the Earth Charter International Council and Focal Point in Mexico, along with Secretary of the City, Jesús Hurtado, and the secretary of Urban and Ecological Development, Brenda Sánchez, were in charge of signing the commitment to the Earth Charter and the Environment.

Monterrey pledges to work with the Earth Charter and will aim to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants with this commitment by aligning their acts with the values and principles recognized in the document on  care and respect for the community of life, ecological integrity, social and economic justice, and democracy, non-violence, and peace.  
The City of León, Guanajuato endorses the Earth Charter

The City of León, Guanajuato nerewed its commitment to the principles and values for sustainability on September 5th, 2014. The assembly and staff agreed that the Earth Charter is a fundamental instrument for decision making and an ethical framework of actions towards achieving a fairer, sustainable, and more peaceful society.

As part of this commitment, they shared the principles and values for sustainability that are detailed in the Earth Charter by giving a workshop to regional civil society organizations and with Leon Guanajuato´s municipal staff along with staff from other nearby municipalities.

Autonomous University of Coahuila in Mexico offers workshop for Youth with the Earth Charter

Last August, the Autonomous University of Coahuila in Mexico held a workshop for University managers and students named “Youth Formation and Facilitators Course from the Awareness and Values of the Earth Charter workshop”, facilitated by EC Council member and Focal Point in Mexico, Mateo Alfredo Castillo Ceja.

The workshop took place in the Competitive Center at the Systems Faculty at the Arteaga Campus on the 15th and 16th of August, 2014. For the University of Coahuila it is important that their students have a commitment to sustainability and the environment, and by offering these workshops, the University can provide them with the necessary tools to allow them to include these principles and values in their everyday lives and professional futures.

The workshop seeks to not only teach participants about the Earth Charter, but also to help them become promoters of the document, and in this way help the Earth Charter Initiative disseminate the message and vision as much in their personal as in their professional lives. The Autonomous University of Coahuila is one of the few educational institutions in Mexico that have stressed their commitment to coaching students on the topics of environment and sustainability.

The School of Judicial Specialties in Mexico signs commitment to the Earth Charter

The School of Judicial Specialties is making a great effort in promoting and spreading the fundamental principles for the construction of a fair, sustainable, and peaceful global society. For this reason, they signed a commitment to the Earth Charter last April, to ensure that these very important pillars are honored in the 21st century.

The City of Gómez Palacio and Lerdo endorse the Earth Charter

In August, the City of Gómez Palacio in Mexico joined other governmental institutions that have signed an agreement with the Earth Charter, with the objective of managing their operations with the goals of protecting the environment, and fostering peace, social justice, and human rights.

Also, legislators from the cities of Lerdo and Gómez Palacio will receive training offered by EC Council Member and Focal Point in Mexico, Mateo Alfredo Castillo Ceja. The workshop will provide them with the necessary orientation so that they can successfully incorporate the values and principles of the Earth Charter into their work in their regional municipalities.

The Rector of the Autonomous University of Durango made the commitment by signing the endorsement of the Earth Charter. The aim is to use it as an educational instrument in the University’s programme on Education for Sustainable Development. This signing was also witnessed by non-governmental organizations with a strong presence in the area.