
Taiwan, Province of China: TESA Series in Thought and Praxis of Environmental Ethics

The Taiwan Ecological Stewardship Association (TESA), Earth Charter Affiliate in Taiwan, has developed the abovementioned material. This series consist of four volumes. The title of one of the volumes is: “From Land Ethics to Earth Charter.” The volumes are in Taiwanese and have 1,192 pages. The editor of this series is Nancy Tzu-Mei Chen, general secretary and founder of TESA. The content is mainly intended as reference reading for the general education on environmental ethics related courses in university, and can be very informative also for the school teachers, churches or NGOs.


The price of a set is NTD 1,150, or USD 40 and it can be obtained through Nancy TzuMeíChen at [email protected]



The following are more details about the contents of TESA Series in Thought and Praxis of Environmental Ethics:


Introduction to TESA Series in Thought and Praxis of Environmental Ethics

“The Island Country Taiwan needs Environmental Ethics for Sustainable Development” by Dr. Hsin-Huang Michael Hsiao (Executive Director of Center for Asia-Pacific Studies, Taiwan Academia Sinica)


Introductions to Volume 1 by Dr. Hen-biau King (Director of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute) and Dr. Tze-tsao Chang (Institute of Environmental Education, National Taiwan Normal University)

Conclusion of Volume 1: “Insights in the Three Trips of Dr. Callicott in 1999 and 2000” by Nancy Tzu-Mei Chen


Introductions to Volume 2 by Dr. Tsao-Cheng Lin (National Cheng Kong University) and Dr. Sun-Mei Wang (Institute of Environmental Education, National Taiwan Normal University)

Conclusion of Volume 2: “Taitung, We Are Coming!” by Dr. J. C. Liu


Introductions to Volume 3 by Dr. Jen-Wen Wang (Tainan Theological Seminary) and Dr. Sang-Jen Chen (Taiwan Theological Seminary)

Conclusion of Volume 3: “Land Ethics from the Kitchen” by Nancy Tzu-Mei Chen


Introductions to Volume 4 by Dr. Jong-Ho Wang (Taiwan Academia Sinica) and Jean-Yi Chen (Association of the Promotion of Land Ethics)

Conclusion of Volume 4: “Caring for the Planet Earth” by Nancy Tzu-Mei Chen



“Sow the Seeds in Heart” by Nancy Tzu-Mei Chen (General Secretary of TESA)




Volume I: Introduction to Environmental Ethics


Volume II: From Land Ethics to Earth Charter


Volume III: The Praxis of Environmental Ethics and Ecological Spirituality in Taiwan


Volume IV: Reconstructing the Ecological Culture in Taiwan