
2014 World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development

The United Nations Decade of ESD (2005-2014) will come to an end next year. To celebrate its achievements and the launch of future ESD activities, UNESCO is organizing the 2014 World Conference on ESD, to take place in Aichi-Nagoya, from November 10-12.

The Conference websites are ready in these languages:

English: www.unesco.org/new/en/esd2014
French: www.unesco.org/new/fr/unesco-world-conference-on-esd-2014/
Spanish: www.unesco.org/new/es/unesco-world-conference-on-esd-2014/
Japanese: www.unesco.org/new/jp/unesco-world-conference-on-esd-2014/

Stakeholders can contribute resources and data via the Conference’s websites, which will enrich the final assessment report of the Decade. The report will be launched at the Conference.

Find in this link the Key Stakeholder — Questionnaire UN Decade of ESD Final Report. Responses can be submitted until October 31st, 2013.

The website also illustrates UNESCO’s development of a draft Global Action Programme on ESD as a suggested follow-up to the Decade in collaboration with countries and other stakeholders. In addition, key UNESCO ESD publications, videos, and ESD success stories from around the world are accessible on the site. The UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development is organized by UNESCO and the Government of Japan.