
EC Assess workshop with AmCham

The Earth Charter International Secretariat offered a workshop to present EC Assess to members of the Social Responsibility Committee of Am Cham, the Costa Rican – North American Chamber of Commerce.

Alicia Jimenez offered a one-hour workshop to representatives of eight companies members of this Committee. The first part of the workshop introduced the Earth Charter, its essence, and a bit of its history.

Then, the EC Assess tool was presented in detail.  This tool promotes an ethical evaluation of an organization’s or company’s level of care and action towards sustainability, using the Earth Charter as a framework.  In general, the participants were very interested in the tool, saying that it is different and complementary with other tools like ISO 26000 and the Global Reporting Initiative.

One of the aspects that caught the participants’ attention was the emphasis on sustainability values that this tool offer, as it provides opportunities to move beyond environmental efficiency, helping a company to meaningfully transition towards sustainability.