
ECI welcomes first affiliate in UAE

The Earth Charter International – ECI Secretariat warmly welcome to the newest affiliate of the Earth Charter Initiative: the Emirates Diving Association (EDA)

EDA is a nonprofit voluntary federal organization based in the United Arab Emirates and is accredited by UNEP as an international environmental organization.  EDA´s main objective is to conserve, protect, and restore the U.A.E’s marine resources by empathizing with and promoting the marine environment and environmental diving.

EDA is the first EC Initiative affiliate in U.A.E. It is well-known in the Arab region for starting the Clean-up Arabia campaign for beaches and the ocean and many other activities to involve divers and the general public in marine conservation and environmental protection. 

EDA plans to use the Earth Charter as inspiration for their activities. They are members of the Earth Charter Middle East and North Africa network, which started to take form last year in November 2010, after the EC+10 celebration in Jordan.

Click here to learn more about EDA.