
Inclusive Leadership Facilitator Trainings in Canada

Cowichan Intercultural Society – an NGO on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada – is celebrating the tenth Anniversary of the Earth Charter by organizing three Inclusive Leadership Adventures in August and September, 2010. These participatory education retreats are opportunities for leaders and potential leaders from different cultures and generations to experience the Earth Charter vision of a world based on respect for people and nature.

The two main goals are to develop a deeper appreciation of social diversity and biodiversity as gifts that enrich and sustain communities and to “forge inclusive solutions” that will “…bring forth a sustainable global society founded on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace.”

These workshops will take place as follows:

August 17 to 22 is hands-on training in planning, preparing and guiding an Inclusive Leadership Adventure. This week is perfect for anyone who wants to experience our transformational process for preparing socially and environmentally responsible global citizens and prepare to pass Inclusive Leadership on to others. You will leave with awareness, skills, ideas, resources, and confidence for bringing Inclusive Leadership back to your own courses, programs, community groups, domestic and international exchanges, and to other diversity education, leadership development and global education projects you are involved in.

August 20-22 The newly trained Inclusive Travel Guides will co-facilitate an inter-generational Inclusive Leadership Adventure for youth and caring adults that promises to be as life-changing as travelling to different countries around the world.

September 23 to 27 is an in-depth participatory education in facilitating and mentoring Inclusive Leadership Development in school and community settings. Learn how easily the Building Bridges steps for bringing diverse people together can be applied to make your projects, programs, groups,  events, schools, organizations and entire communities more inclusive, more welcoming and more respectful of social diversity and bio-diversity. And, learn how the Building Bridges steps can be applied to develop new projects, programs or curricula.

Participants will leave with positive and practical local action plans for implementing the principles and values of the Earth Charter in home, school, work and community settings. For more information about how you could participate in these Inclusive Leadership journeys visit this link