
Latin American Youth Perspective on Education for Sustainable Development

UNESCO established the Decade for Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) with the objective of integrating the values inherent in sustainable development in all learning aspects to motivate behavioral changes that can allow a more sustainable and just society for all.

This year, the Decade will end and UNESCO will celebrate it by hosting the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), which will be held in Aichi-Nagoya (Japan) from November 10th to 12th. The Conference will also be the starting point for the Global Action Program (GAP) on ESD.

One of the priority areas of the ESD GAP is the empowering and mobilization of youth, supporting them as agents of change through: 1. The design of ESD opportunities focused on students such as e-learning and mobile learning; and 2. Work through youth organizations to increase youth participation in facing the challenges that represent sustainable development.

Regional consultation with Latin American youth

Earth Charter International, in collaboration with the UNESCO office in Santiago, and with the support of PNUMA, FFLA, UCR, UNA and the University of Guanajuato, is organizing a regional consultation with Latin American youth with the objective of collecting and taking their perspectives to the UNESCO World Conference.

How can you be part of this consultation?

The consultation will mostly be held virtually. There will be an online conference on August 6th at 2:00 pm Costa Rica time / 3:00pm Mexico time, in which the role of youth in ESD will be discussed. You can access the conference through this link on the day of the event.

An online questionnaire is available that will allow you to share your perspective on ESD and youth´s role to the World Conference on ESD in Japan. You can access this online questionnaire here. Please submit your answer before September 15th. Do not miss this opportunity to share your perspectives on this issue!

Earth Charter International will also host on-site workshops in the following countries and hopes you can join, and if not please fill out the form with your perspective.






To be determined

Universidad de Guanajuato

Shafía Zucar

[email protected]

Costa Rica


Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica

Marcello Hernández

[email protected]



Facultad de Ingeniería Civil, campus Victor Levi
Sasso, Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, Ciudad de Panamá

Pedro Cunha

[email protected]



Salón Máximo del Gobierno Autónomo Descentralizado de la Provincia del

Susan Engel

[email protected]

If you are interested in learning more about ESD, the Decade of ESD and the GAP, you can find an article below that summarizes these concepts.

This is a unique opportunity for the world to hear your voice on the type of education that the world needs to face the biggest challenges in sustainability.

Sobre EDS