
Sixth e-GLO 3 session

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Report on Session 6:

Tutoring Session
with e-GLO Graduates and
Earth Charter Representatives

Tuesday, November 23rd, 3pm GMT

The session consisted of the following components:

  • Homework evaluation
  • Presentation on Interview Techniques
  • Discussions and analysis on previous videos and homework 
  • Discussions on action project ideas

Minutes of the sixth session.
Participant’s perspective



  • Conduct a 3 -10 minute interview on camera with someone ~65 years or older.
  • Do your best to find an elder who is well known and whose perspective holds power and influence. This could be a politician, cultural artist, war/peace hero or simply your friends grandmother. You decide.
  • Tie your interview questions to the theme/s of the e-GLO program.
  • Upload your finished video to YouYube, The Feather Project and post a link and a comment describing the interview to the ‘wall’ of our Facebook page.

The deadline for the successful posting of your interview is Dec 4th. This will take some time to prepare so we encourage you to get started as soon as possible. Remember successful completion and of this course and certification is dependent on your participation in the sessions and the completion of your homework.

The hope is that these interviews can be a meaningful legacy for e-GLO and all of our sustainability work world wide. e-GLO is gaining momentum internationally and it is possible that these videos can reach a wide audience through our partnerships with social media organizations like The Feather Project and 1%CLUB. So get yours in and get counted!

If you can not find a video camera or if you have any questions please email Mike and Jaana immediately.


  • Choose ONE of your three project ideas and post it under the discussion tab on our Facebook group.
  • Before the next session READ ALL of the favourite project ideas and leave feedback on at least three of them. Our intention is to find 5-10 practical and realistic projects. Then form groups and collaboritively lead these selected projects to successful competition.