
The Little Earth Charter for Kids

For younger kids, The Little Earth Charter has been created through a collaboration between JC Little of Little Animation Inc. and Rosie Emery, a singer and songwriter and environmental educator.


This is a remarkable animated video that captures the principles and momentum of the Charter in sights and sounds and the language of children.


The Little Earth Charter is available on-line, and children can watch and learn through almost any web browser. Just go to:  http://www.littleanimation4kids.com/EC.html

You can choose to watch in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, or Dutch–and Russian is on the way.


The animation is colorful, fun, lively, and good for the planet. It’s divided into eight sections: Life, Interconnected, Family, Past, Earth, Peace, Love, and Future. Click on the Interconnected section, and you can watch a children’s song about our place on the Earth and about the Charter.


Other music, games, and stories about the environment and related topics for kids are also available on the site, which kids should be able to explore for hours.


Rosie herself has an impressive history of producing such kids programs as the Rainbow Road Tour of environmental educational music, which visited schools through Canada and the northern United States from 1997 to 2003. Its Songs, like We’re All Interconnected, The Rainbow Road, Friends of the Earth and Dolphin Teach Us to Play, are standards in many elementary schools across Canada.


The kids who watch these videos and hear the songs will be off to a much better start for sustainability than any of us grown-ups ever got off to.


Little Animation was founded in 2004 by JC Little and has as its mission to provide Earth-friendly, socially responsible children’s content for TV and the web. The company has created several projects, including the tween-targeted My Life Me, a manga TV series now in development with Canadian broadcaster Tele Toon. Little Animation also gives children a voice through Kid’s Stories International, which features stories written and illustrated by children around the world, and brought to life through animation as 5 minute shorts. The principles of the Earth Charter are naturally integrated in Kid’s Stories, coming directly from the hearts and minds of children.


The Little Earth Charter joins other exciting new educational initiatives for the Earth Charter. In Turkmenistan, a new program is underway to create a child-friendly learning environment in public schools for kindergartners aged three to seven, for example. It includes training and materials for teachers, as well as improvements in school facilities for sanitary toilets, safe drinking water, and proper ventilation. It also seeks to include parents in school programs, and has support from Unicef.


And these join other Earth Charter-related educational programs around the world, from Costa Rica to Russia.


Visit www.littleearthcharter.org.