
Webinar: ESD in Higher Education (in Spanish)

The Regional Bureau of Education of UNESCO for Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago) and the Earth Charter Center for ESD, through the UNESCO Chair in Education for Sustainable Development with the Earth Charter, are offering a series of five webinars on the subject of Education for Sustainable Development in Latin America.

The second webinar will address the theme: “Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education”.

Date and time: Tuesday October 8, 2013 , 19:00 pm GMT (4:00 pm Sao Paulo, 2:00 pm Colombia , Mexico )

How to access : At the time and date indicated, click on this link:

These seminars aim to foster dialogue among educators in the region and to share the experiences in implementing the proposed educational paradigm shift envisioned with the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) coordinated by UNESCO.

This webinar, like the others in the series, is a participatory workshop, featuring panelists who will offer short lectures to introduce the topic, and then the online platform will allow for questions and answers, as well as participant sharing. The discussion will take place in Spanish.

The panelists are :

  • Olga Bermudez (National University of Colombia ). Sociologist, Project Evaluation Specialist, Master in Environmental Education, Coordinator of the Thematic Network of Environmental Education belonging to the Colombian Network of Environmental Training and RCE Bogota, Expertise and Experience Center in Education for Sustainability. RCE currently leads processes of education and civic culture in Bogota.
  • Shafia Sucar (University of Guanajuato, Mexico)
  • Waverli Maia Matarazzo-Neuberger (Methodist University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
  • Mariana Buendia (Universidad Autonoma San Luis Potosi, Mexico). Degree in foreign trade from UASLP, Master in Environmental Sciences from the same university. Coordinator of the continuing education program of the Environmental Department and academic coordinator and tutor for the Virtual Degree “Project Design and Environmental Education for Sustainability” and “Skills Education for Sustainable Development” that UASLP offered through the Environmental Department, in collaboration with UNESCO .

Find all the information about these online seminars taking place between September and December 2013 here.