
Webinar series on management tools for youth initiatives

Between 24 April and 8 May, ECI organized a set of webinars to offer young leaders information on different management tools to help them achieve greater impacts with their initiatives and projects.

These webinars were facilitated by Alice Swett who is an expert with more than 20 years of experience in youth leadership training and community-building.

Alice gave key recommendations for running a successful meeting such as:

•    Have a timed visible agenda
•    Do an icebreaker at the beginning of the meeting
•    Have multiple facilitators such as a time keeper, a note taker and a discussion facilitator
•    Provide helpful context/background

Regarding event planning (such as a workshop, a presentation and a concert, among many others), Alice gave recommendations such as:

•    Brainstorm! Decide what event do you want to do
•    Set decision-making strategies (e.g. dot voting, 1 person 1 vote, etc)
•    Define your vision, process, resources, tasks and budget

You can watch the recordings of these webinars through the following links:

Making meetings great

How to plan a successful event