
First Earth Charter pilot lesson in Tajikistan

 Dr. Muazama Burkhanova, Chairperson of the Foundation for Support for Civil Society Initiatives reported that on January 24th the first Earth Charter pilot lesson was held in the 8th grade of Dushanbe secondary school N1. Some 40 plus students, mostly Tajiks, met with Earth Charter representatives, who brought with them Earth Charter posters and brochures with the Earth Charter text, translated and published by their Foundation earlier this year. The students and the teachers were very excited about the lesson. The teachers of this and other Dushanbe schools had previously received and studied the Earth Charter Guidebook for Teachers, which they had translated into Tajik and published for teachers’ training and use.



The most difficult task for Dr. Burkhanova was to find simple, strong and emotionally charged words to tell the students about the inspiring vision of the Earth Charter, its meaning for us as human beings and a part of the greater community of life, convey to them the sense of urgency and our moral duty to Earth and to other beings, and live its values every day of our lives.

However, her fears were groundless: the students were very susceptible to the beautiful and inspiring text, and by their insistence the school Principle had to double the duration of the lesson by adding another hour.


Besides the Guidebook, brochures and the posters the Earth Charter video and the DVD produced by our colleague, the Earth Charter Affiliate Dr. Vladimir Zakharov, were also used . Mr. Zakharov is the President of the Russian Center for Environmental Policy and Culture and the Head of the Environmental Commission of the Russian Public Chamber.


According to the agreement between our Foundation and the Ministry of Education of Tajikistan, they plan to have 16 Earth Charter lessons, one per week, with one Earth Charter principle at a time. Student’s literary compositions, art work, scientific projects in biology, geography, social sciences and foreign languages are the expected results of our efforts.