
City of Delhi, India Adopts Earth Charter Education

On the occasion of Earth Day, the Delhi Government expressed its commitment to the Earth Charter vision and launched a collaborative project with CLEAN-India (Community Led Environment Action Network), a program created by Development Alternatives (a leading Indian NGO and ECI Affiliate) to bring the Earth Charter to over 2,000 Delhi Schools. As part of this effort the Earth Charter, will be integrated into the school curriculum.


CLEAN-India/Development Alternatives also announced the “Green Million” Initiative which involves planting a million trees in Delhi by the year 2010. School children will act in partnership with Delhi Government to plant seedlings throughout the region.


Delhi is the first Indian city to embrace the Earth Charter in this formal way, but the Charter is widely known in the country, especially among leaders in sustainability education, and its presence is growing. We look forward to more good news from India in the coming years.