
ECI channel on YouTube

The Earth Charter International now has an official channel on Youtube.com! The name of the channel is ECInternational and you can find it at: http://www.youtube.com/user/ECInternational .

Currently we have two videos online, a short, one-minute TV spot and a 10 minute long introduction to the Earth Charter. The videos are in a variety of languages, so there are actually 12 different videos. In addition we have 20 favorites, videos made by Earth Charter Initiative.

By using Youtube it will be possible to better spread information about the Earth Charter. We encourage you to subscribe to our channel and the post videos relating to the Earth Charter!

We encourage you to subscribe to the channel by clicking “Subscribe to ECInternational’s videos” at the upper right side of the video box, or by clicking the yellow “subscribe” button available at the upper right side of each ECInternational video description.

By subscribing to the channel you will be notified each time a new video is uploaded to the channel.

Connect Your Videos
It is also possible to connect your videos with those of ECInternational. If you have a video relating to the Earth Charter we encourage you to link your video to an ECInternational video by posting it as a “video response.”

In order to submit a video response, go below the bottom of the ECInternational video you are viewing or have viewed. Below the video it says: Statistics & Data, Video Responses and Text Comments. You must sign in to your Youtube account, and then you can click “Video Response.” After this you have three options: 1) recording a video 2) choosing a video that you have already uploaded to Youtube or 3) uploading a new video to Youtube.

Once you have posted a video response to an ECInternational video we will watch it and then we can accept it or reject is as a response. Underneath the ECInternational video there will be a link to your video, and underneath your video it will say “this is a video response to (name of ECInternational video).”

You can also send a link to your video to us and we can add it to ECI favorites!