The Fundacion Valores, Instituto de Formacion Avanzada (Infova) and Instituto de Potencial Humano (IPH) are organizing and convening the 5th Earth Charter Congress: “Values for Life and Business” which will take place 14 and 15 November 2009 in Madrid, Spain. The purpose of the event is to create a space where participants can debate about economic challenges, and its relationship with environmental and social concerns, as well as the urgent need for responsible action from all for building a better world.
This event is focused on the essential and protagonist role the business sector needs to take in order to generate a positive transformation of society. The understanding is that this change towards a new model can only happen with the responsible, engaged and committed participation of businesses.
The event will be an opportunity to look at solutions and alternatives for global and individual changes through values and motivations that inspire individuals to take the challenge of promoting a new economic model.
The Congress will have the participation of
- Federico Mayor Zaragoza, President of Fundación Cultura de Paz (Culture of Peace Foundation), Earth Charter Commissioner for Spain;
- Leonardo Boff, doctor in theology and philosophy and one of the initiators of the “Theology of Liberation”; Earth Charter Commissioner for Brazil;
- Joan Antoni Melé, Territorial Director of Triodos Bank for Cataluña and Baleares;
- Oscar Motomura, founder and Executive President of Amana-Key, a center for excellence in administration with headquarters in Sao Paulo, Brazil and member of the Earth Charter International Council;
- María Pinar Merino, writer, psychotherapist and specialist in communication techniques and group dynamics;
- Gonzalo Martínez de Miguel, Lawyer, Master in Business Management, Director of Instituto de Formación Avanzada – INFOVA (Advanced Training Institute), a company Affiliated to Earth Charter International and specialized in training management teams, also co-director of Observatorio de Comportamiento Humano de la Empresa – OCHE (Business Observatory of Human Behavior);
- Fidel Delgado Mateo, Clinic Psychologist, he has worked over the past 30 years educating trainers and health professionals;
- Gustavo Bertolotto Vallés, Director of Instituto Potencial Humano – IPH (Institute for Human Potential), Economist, specialized in Industrial Psychology, Trainer and co-creator of PNL (Neurolinguistic Programming);
- Joaquín Tamames, Lawyer, MBA from IESE Business School in Barcelona, and business executive.
For more information in Spanish please see the website of Fundacion Valores or click here to see the brochure of the event.