A Finnish organization Green Living Movement Suomi has become the very first official Earth Charter affiliate in Finland. This cooperation will significantly help to promote the principles of the sustainable development and the Earth Charter in Finland! We hope that by following Green Living Movement Suomi’s example, other Finnish organizations will get inspired to join our network, too!
Green Living Movement Suomi supports the local development projects in Zambia, disseminates information about GLM‘s operation and acts as a link between the grassroots levels in Finland and Zambia. The mother organization, Green Living Movement Zambia, aims to promote sustainable development and livelihood capacities of local communities in rural areas.
Earth Charter Initiative’s affiliates are organizations that share the Earth Charter vision and are committed to promoting the Earth Charter and helping implement ECI strategies in their countries. Affiliates enter into a formal agreement with Earth Charter International to be an active source of Earth Charter information and activity in their country. The ECI Secretariat coordinates activities with Affiliates and provides them with guidance and resource materials.