
GRI Global Conference in Amsterdam with a session on the Earth Charter

A Special Session called “Learn about the Earth Charter Principles and the GRI Guidelines” on GRI and the Earth Charter was held on May 27th from 16:00 – 17:15 hours, during the ** Amsterdam Global Conference on Sustainability and Transparency **.

This GRI Conference looked at the following questions among others: How is the report landscaping changing?, How should data be reported? and…

Report at a record high
The number of reporters has reached a record high – the number of GRI reports that GRI is aware of having grown by over 50% in the period since the last conference – and continues to grow. But, how is the reporting landscape changing, how should data be reported, and what do the readers of reports think of them?

GRI recommends the Earth Charter to organizations that seek extended normative or ethical guidance on how they could advance sustainability and related global principles. In 2010, the Earth Charter celebrates its 10th anniversary – time to celebrate, but also to take stock and explore how the ethical grounding of sustainability reporting can be reinforced.

The event encouraged participants to share experiences in using the Earth Charter and GRI, to raise questions, and to suggest ideas for how the EC and GRI might better meet user needs so that the EC and GRI can help contribute to a more just and sustainable world by 2020.

Find their Agenda here and more information on GRI here Please see here the Report with pictures.