
Earth Charter Workshop in Togo

3. Build democratic societies that are just, participatory, sustainable, and peaceful.

Thank you Mensa TSEDZE Kwami, EC online course participant, for taking the initiative to organize this event and writing this article!


On March 22nd 2011a Togolese organization ASTERADHD, Togolese Association for the Study of Research and Development Support Sustainable Human, organized an event for environmental activists in the region. Youth from environmental clubs from local schools and colleges gatherer together with professionals and volunteers of environment field, members of QCD (district development committee) and traditional authorities.
The event was organized in Kpalime, 120 km northwest of the capital Lome. In this event ASTERADHD conducted an survey on the Earth Charter.

This survey was completed by 349 people. The results show that  291 participants did not know the Earth Charter before, 33 think they have heard but do not know exactly what it represents, and 23 had some sort of an idea.

After realizing how little knowledge the participants had on the Earth Charter, Mensa TSEDZE Kwami and his colleagues gave a presentation the Earth Charter; on the history, structure, mission, objectives, values, its actions, the Charter itself… The audience seemed to be very happy with the information
and agreed on a need to have local activities.

Also Komla AKAKPO, chief organizer of the celebration, stated the necessity to create a strong partnership between the community and ECI secretariat. He also stressed the need for change in attitudes in everyone’s own lifestyles and emphasized the role of the principles of Earth Charter to ensure peace and sustainable development.

The event lasted for 3,5 hours and the participants went home with one thing in mind: THE EARTH CHARTER.

In May 2011 Mensa TSEDZE Kwami  started an Earth Charter Youth Group in this community.