
Three new EC Affiliates in Argentina, Belgium and Brazil

We are very pleased to announce that three more organizations have become a part of the Earth Charter family as Affiliates.

Associacao Civil Alternativa Terrazul in Brazil
Terrazul Institute was founded in 1999 as a social-environmental organization and is presently called Associação Civil Alternativa Terrazul (Alternative Civil Association Terrazul). It is located in Fortaleza in the State of Ceará, Brazil.  Their mission is to contribute to building a critical and environmental consciousness and, together with other organized movements, create a new sustainable society through the following actions:

  • Carry out studies, investigations, and actions in the areas of education, citizenship, ecology, and health
  • Environmental education programs for youth and adults
  • Execution of sustainable development programs in rural and urban areas, aiming to promote the social perspective of a sustainable society
  • Support to the environmental movement participating in campaigns and actions
  • Encourage citizen participation and solidarity, articulating and creating movements, associations and networks

European Center for Electoral Support (ECES) in Belgium

The European Centre for Electoral Support (ECES) is a Brussels-based non-profit and non-governmental organization with a global mandate. ECES promotes sustainable democratic development through the provision of:

• advisory services and operational support for the implementation of electoral cycles in favor of electoral management bodies and international-regional organizations; and

• capacity development at country, regional and global levels through facilitating peer reviews, the exchange of experiences, south-south collaboration and leadership development.


UISCUMARR (Unión de Industriales para Saneamiento Cuencas Matanza-Riachuelo y Reconquista) in Argentina

UISCUMARR is a non-profit Civil Association created by a group of industrialists concerned with solving environmental problems in a sustainable way.  “We are part of the society in search of changing the environmental reality of Buenos Aires and to do this we should defend, based on sustainability, an indivisible good that belongs to all, the “Collective Good””.

To achieve this, they work with three different axes:

  1. Change of the environmental paradigm
  2. Change of the collective culture
  3. Changes on the ruling environmental standards looking for a balance between  punitive rules and regulations that encourage clean production.

We welcome them and hope for a fruitful collaboration!