The event “Wings for Earth Charter” was held at the Royal Tropical Theater in Amsterdam on 13 September in partnership with VNO NCW and the Soetendorp Institute, supported by NCDO, Inner Senses, Thumbs Up and Earth Charter International. It counted with the presence of the Indigenous Grandmothers; the Intergenerational Feather Project representatives; Ruud Lubbers, Earth Charter Commissioner and former Prime Minister of The Netherlands; Princess Irene can Lippe-Biesterfeld, Natuut College; Rabbi Soetendorp, Founder and President of the Soetendorp Institute and Earth Charter Commissioner; among others. Some of the objectives of this gathering were as follows:
• give wings to the Earth Charter through inspiring the attendees for renewed involvement with the Earth Charter
• thank Alide Roerink for her professional commitment to the Earth Charter throughout the years
• express appreciation for Earth Charter youth led initiatives, by supporting Thumbs up Africa
• launch the Earth Charter Dialogues, a new interactive and powerful communication instrument
Click here to see a video of a dialogue between Lubbers and Lambooy during this event.