Under the framework of the UNESCO Chair on Education for Sustainable Development with the Earth Charter, Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim will be speaking at the Earth Charter Center on Education for Sustainable Development at the UPEACE On March 11th, 2013, from 1 -3 PM at the Earth Charter Center for ESD on the UPEACE campus.. The event will be an open dialogue on The Universe Story and the interconnections with all life. The two are co-founders and co-directors of the Forum on Religion and Ecology. They organized a series of ten conferences on World Religions and Ecology at the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard Divinity School. Together, they will also be discussing about their recent project called “The Journey of the Universe”.
Mary Evelyn Tucker is a Senior Lecturer and Senior Research Scholar at Yale University where she has appointments in the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies as well as the Divinity School. She is the author and editor of numerous books, served on the International Earth Charter Drafting Committee from 1997-2000 and was a member of the Earth Charter International Council till 2012.
John Grim is currently a Senior Lecturer and Senior Research Scholar at Yale University teaching courses that draw students from the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Yale Divinity School, the Department of Religious Studies, the Institution for Social and Policy Studies, and the Yale Colleges. He is also the author and editor of several books and papers. John is also President of the American Teilhard Association.