
El Rodeo Community Activity

As part of the UPEACE-El Rodeo Committee, of which Earth Charter is a member of, as a follow-up to the initial soccer game that took place in El Rodeo in December, 2012, Earth Charter International organized and took those young people from the El Rodeo and UPEACE community to watch a live National soccer game – Costa Rica vs. Honduras, at the new National Soccer stadium  in San José. The game was very suspenseful and happily Costa Rica won 0-2!

Both UPEACE and El Rodeo community members had the opportunity to really get to know one another as neighbors. It was also a wonderful way to continue to develop a stronger connections and hopefully developa new sense of community of El Rodeo in a neutral space, one that recognizes that it is by spending time and sharing our experiences with one another can we lay down the foundation for many more activities and relationships.
Earth Charter International would like to thank the UPEACE students who helped organized the Latin American Cultural night in 2012 as it is because of their kind donation that ECI was able to organize such an event!

Below are a couple of testimonials from members of the community about their experience that day.

For me, it was very nice because I experienced many nice things. It was a very nice experience– we laughed a lot together, it was very beautiful. I would like them to do an activity like that again and also, I would like to do different activities. I learned many things to share with all and I hope that we will have more of these activities and that the Earth Charter invites me again!

~Deby Azofeifa Porras

I am writting this letter in order to send you all my respectful gratefulness for inviting me to be part of the group which assisted to the football game at the Monumental National Stadium. During this activity, I felt really proud and emotional, happy and satisfied. I felt like in another country.

Thank you in advance for keeping taking (my community) into consideration for futures activities organized by the organization you nicely represent.

~Ana Quiros Quiros