
Invitation for teachers – CEI Conference 2014

The 28th Caretakers of the Environment International Conference will take place in Yilan, Taiwan 06 -12 July 2014 hosted by Earth Charter Taiwan (ECT), with the support of other partners. The conference theme is “Nature, Culture and Future”.

Established in 1987, CEI is a global network of secondary teachers and students active in Environmental Education. CEI organises annual conferences to explore important environmental themes by project presentation, workshops, field trips, discussions and active participation.

The CEI 2014 Conference will accommodate 200 international and 50 local delegates. Around 120 international participants from 13 countries already registered. CEI expects another 80 international caretakers from more countries to join,  Please, help to promote the conference and encourage more schools to register.

CEI looks forward to you and your students’ participation: share your knowledge and skills, explore the nature and culture of Taiwan, meet new and old CEI friends and learn from each other.

If you are interested in attending the conference, please register as soon as possible to secure your places. The registration deadline is 31 March (The fee is 320 Euro per person, the payment is due on 15 April). It is recommended that each delegation consists of up to six members including 1-2 teachers and 3-5 students and is gender balanced. Please, check the website for all details.  www.cei2014.org/node/3

If you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected]

Click here for the CEI Conference 2014 Brochure.