
New book connects the Earth Charter with environmental education practice

The book “Nature and Human Behavior: Environmental Education Concepts, Values and Practice” (Naturaleza y Conducta Humana: Conceptos, Valores y Practicas para la Educacion Ambiental – available in Spanish only), connects the Earth Charter with the practice of environmental education.  The book analyzes the present ecological crisis and considers some of the changes that need to take place to environmentally re-educate ourselves, among them, work on values and ethics.

The author uses the Earth Charter as a reference to support the idea of promoting participatory democracy to find solutions for our current environmental crisis.  In connection to this, the author refers to the Earth Charter as one of the most important expressions of global ethics for sustainability. 

The author is J. Miguel Esteban, professor of Logic, Ethics and Environmental Education of Quintana Roo University, in Mexico.
Bibliographic citation:
Esteban, J Miguel. 2013. “Naturaleza y Conducta Humana. Conceptos. Valores y Prácticas para la Educación Ambiental”. Universidad Quintana Roo, CONACYT.  467pp. 
ISBN 978-1-4633-4557-0

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