
New Earth Charter International Affiliate from Costa Rica

Earth Charter International (ECI) welcomes the Foundation for Development of the Central Mountain Range (FUNDECOR in Spanish) to the Earth Charter global network. FUNDECOR is a non-governmental organization with a broad focus on sustainable development promotion in Costa Rica. On the 20th of June both organizations signed an affiliate agreement for the promotion and implementation of the values and principles of the Earth Charter (EC).

Through this agreement, the foundation has the opportunity to raise awareness to its group of client families and workforce, as well as make visible on an international platform FUNDECOR’s efforts and good practices towards the local community, on Environmental Education, biodiversity protection, the application and exchange of knowledge, and the promotion of human development, amongst others.

Some of the actions that FUNDECOR will implement after the signing of the agreement are: the incorporation of the vision and principles of the Earth Charter in their areas of action, projects, and programs; collaboration with the Initiative to generate new agreements and associations (locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally) that will help strengthen the EC international network; and finding ways in which the EC, its educational materials, and programmes can be incorporated into their own activities and materials.

In return, ECI will promote FUNDECOR´ s work, especially the work related to the Earth Charter; will share with FUNDECOR key decisions about the politics and information regarding strategies and priorities of the ECI; and will also invite FUNDECOR to participate in political and global governance initiatives for sustainability with the global network of affiliates coordinated by Earth Charter International.