In February 2015, ECI published two new versions of the Earth Charter on its website. For the first time, the Earth Charter has been translated into Albanian and an updated translation of the Belarusian version has been completed as well.
The translations can be found on this page.
The Albanian version was completed through volunteer work done by a recent new endorser Kultura & Komuniteti (Culture and Community) from Durres, Albania. Durres is the second largest city of Albania. Kultura & Komuniteti’s motto is “Creating community and spirit of philanthropy through arts, culture and education.” The organization’s upcoming activities this year include a meeting with youth, university and high school students, to present the Earth Charter. The goal is to raise awareness of youth’s responsibility and the global impact of our daily activities. K&K will educate them on the Earth Charter principles to achieve local and global sustainability. A group of those participating will be selected to collaborate in the creation of a presentation on the Earth Charter principles to be presented in all high schools in the City of Durres. This project is being carried out in collaboration with the Regional Directorate of Education of Durres.
The new Belarusian version was submitted by Earth Charter International’s affiliate in Belarus, Youth International Education Club “Newline”. YIEC “Newline” has been carrying out many educational activities in Belarus and the region on Education for Sustainable Development. In 2014, the organization carried out several workshops, a spring discussion camp, participated in the Youth Media Festival “Youth Voices for Sustainable Development” of Adobe Youth Voices and iEARN, and assisted in the strengthening of a national network of ESD schools.
Earth Charter International and the global Earth Charter movement are grateful to both of these organizations for their hard work and dedication to fostering the Earth Charter vision of peace, justice, and sustainability.