
Second edition: Democratic Equality, Economic Inequality, and the Earth Charter

steven-c-rockefeller-democratic-equality-economic-inequality-and-the-earth-charterECI publishes a second edition of Steven C. Rockefeller’s essay with a new prologue.

After several months, ECI published a second edition of the publication entitled “Democratic Equality, Economic Inequality, and the Earth Charter” written by Steven C. Rockefeller. The essay was published by Earth Charter International and Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development at UPEACE under the UNESCO Chair on Education for Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter.

The publication was launched on 29 June on the occasion of the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the launch of the Earth Charter, a very special event held  the Castle Maarten Maartens in The Netherlands where Professor Rockefeller offered a keynote address presenting his work.

The essay explores the origin and meaning of the principle of equality, considers the economic implications of the ideal, and provides a brief historical overview of liberal democracy and economic inequality since the American and French revolutions. The essay then highlights the principles in the Earth Charter that have been designed to frame the intensifying debate on these critical issues and guide change. It concludes with reflections on equality and sustainability as two transformative ideals that have become interrelated and are the principal keys to a promising future. It is organized around the following themes: The Modern Democratic Concept of Equality; Economic Inequality; The Earth Charter and the Principle of Equality; The Earth Charter and Economic Inequality; A World Founded on Visions of Equality and Sustainability.

Professor Rockefeller chaired the Earth Charter international drafting committee from 1997 to 2000. Since the launch of the Earth Charter, he has played a leading role in efforts to promote the Charter’s ethical vision for a just, sustainable, and peaceful world. His guidance, expertise, and passion for ethics and sustainable development were indispensable forces in moving the Earth Charter drafting and consultative process though its various stages to completion.

You can download the essay for free here.