
World Resources Forum and Sustainable Building Conference in Costa Rica

Photo Green Building Council

Green Building Council Costa Rica (GBC-CR), World Resources Forum (WRF) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) join their expertise and enthusiasm to develop a global reach unique event for LAC region: The World Resources Forum Latin America and the Caribbean, International Sustainable Building Congress 2016 & III GREEN EXPO.

The event will take place in San Jose, Costa Rica, on 17-20 May, 2016.

The Earth Charter is supporting this event, and invite all interested to register.
Topics to be addressed are: sustainable lifestyles, resource efficiency, society, finance, mobility, public space, design, buildings, waste, bio economy, inclusive cities, financing and many more a Programme’s overarching theme is “Building Sustainable Cities and Lifestyles in Latin America and the Caribbean” and the five key guiding topics for plenaries and workshop sessions include: sustainable resources management, sustainable buildings and cities, sustainable lifestyles and education.

Find more information and register through this link: