
Education for Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter at the Universidad del Caribe in Cancún, Mexico

Since its foundation in the year 2000, the Universidad del Caribe in Cancún, Mexico, established sustainability, Untitledsocial responsibility, and equity  as its fundamental objectives with the purpose of creating ingrated professionals with a broad ethical humanistic sense and with a social commitment.

The principles of the Earth Charter have been included as a subject within the Social and Environmental Responsibility major with a focus of developing in each student the skills and values that contribute to sustainable development. This subject is of a transversal nature for the eight educational programs taught at la Universidad del Caribe and students take this subject during their second year of training.

In order to broaden and reinforce the principles and values of the Earth Charter, youth participating in the Earth Charter Young Leaders Program, give workshops, as well as give lectures where they deepen aspects such as: systemic thinking, eco-literacy, justice, culture of peace, leadership and sustainability. melchor2

The Earth Charter framework of principles and values, as well as the actions and activities developed by the Universidad del Caribe, has established contributions for the professional practice of future graduates. These students will understand the social reality of life today which is a fundamental axis in the construction of a more just, peaceful and sustainable society.

Written by: Earth Charter Young Leader, Melchor Ernesto Muñoz