The Earth Charter Mexican Network organized several events to celebrate Mother Earth Day around April 22.
“Online seminar: What can you do for the Earth”.
Date: April 21, 2021
Organizers: Network of Environmental Educators of Aguascalientes and Secretary of Environmental Sustainability and Water of the Government of the State of Aguascalientes.
Participants: 60 people, the majority from Mexico and some from Latin America.
Summary of the event: Karen del Rocío Correa Padilla commented on the work carried out with the Earth Charter in the education sector and in rural communities.
Israel Roque Padilla shared about education experiences promoting values and the Earth Charter.
Amorita Salas Westphal, reflected on the Earth Charter in Higher Education through Organized Civil Society.
Guillermina Pech Pech shared about successful experiences with the Earth Charter in government institutions.
In the framework of Mother Earth Day, the focal point of the Earth Charter Mexican Network in Chiapas, together with Kybernus Sustainability Network and local institutions published a new edition of The Earth Charter for the state of Chiapas.
Download the document.

“Online Workshop: Youth and Pandemic, The Earth Charter as an ethical framework for decision-making in the face of global challenges“.
Date: 23 April
Organizers: Autonomous University of Coahuila and Earth Charter Mexican Network.
Participants: 70 students and 5 affiliates of the Earth Charter Mexican Network.
Abstract: This workshop was designed by a group of Affiliates of the Earth Charter Mexican Network, with the objective of familizarizing the students with the principles and values of the Earth Charter, inviting them to consider this document as an ethical framework to address with responsibility the COVID19 pandemic. This will make it easier for them to identify the challenges that young people face with this pandemic and develop individual and collective commitments to act in a sustainable way, with clearer ideas about what is happening to them and the importance of changing attitudes and values to contribute to having a better world. Also to value what the Earth gives us and to take care of the lives of people and the entire community of life.

Radio Program: “Frente Laguna” in the Comarca Lagunera (Durango and Coahuila, Mexico)
Date: 26 April, 2021.
Interviewer Héctor Esparza, guest Amorita Salas Westphal, focal point of the Earth Charter Mexican Network in Durango. Duration 15 minutes 30 seconds.
“Seminar: The health-disease process, globalization and the environment”.
Date: 21 April, 2021
Organizers: Directorate of Environmental Protection of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico
Participants: 185 young university brigade members from all university careers.
Summary of the event: David Eduardo Velázquez Muñoz offered this talk, where he reflected on the concept of peace included in the Earth Charter, as a way to relate correctly with ourselves, others and respect and care for the community of life, in the current conditions of globalization and pandemic, recognizing the impact of contemporary lifestyles in altering the health-disease process.
“Seminar: The Earth Charter and Active Non-Violence”.
Date: April 21, 2021
Organizers: Faculty of Languages of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico
Participants: 36 Professors and undergraduate students of Languages
Summary of the event: David Eduardo Velázquez Muñoz offered the presentation where he highlighted the importance of the value of peace and active non-violence as virtues that allow the university community to participate more consciously and decisively in the transformation processes of society in the context of current health and climate challenges.
“Presentation: The Earth Charter”
Date: 22 April, 2021
Organizers: Colegio El Sabino in Toluca
Participants: 30 students and teachers from Colegio EL Sabino.
Summary of the event: This talk was offered by Rafael Fernando Sánchez Barreto, professor at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, who focused on giving a message of hope towards the community of life, exhorting participants to strengthen a sense of solidarity to face current challenges, especially in terms of the COVID 19 pandemic.

“Seminar: Insects in the hñähñu culture”
Date: 22 April, 2021
Organizers: Hñähñu Documentation and Consulting Center
Summary: This seminar is part of a dissemination space for environmental and biocultural issues that have emerged from studies carried out in ñähñu territory. The speaker was Dr. Elda Miriam Aldasoro Maya, who shared the results of an investigation that resulted in a book that collects the knowledge of the Hñähñu people and presents in the original language, in Spanish and the scientific name of a series of common insects of the Mezquital Valley. As the case may be, the culinary, medicinal, and domestic uses are outlined, whether they are present in agriculture or in children’s games, annotations are also made related to the dangers derived from the bites of some insects and the diseases they transmit, both for humans, domestic animals and when they are considered as pests for plants.

“Signing Ceremony of the Earth Charter Commitment by the Human Rights Commission of the State of Puebla, Mexico”
Date: 22 April 2021, 9:30 am
Organizers: Human Rights Commission of the State of Puebla. The commitment was sign by Dr. José Félix Cerezo Vélez, President of this commission.
Honor witnesses: Juan Carlos Gutiérrez Madrigal, Ambassador of Nicaragua in Mexico, Eng. José Ignacio Rojas González, Earth Charter Focal Point in Puebla; Dr Meliton Lozano Pérez, Secretary of Education of the State of Puebla; Arq. Sergio de la Luz Vergara Berdejo, Secretary of Culture of the State of Puebla; Arq. Juanita Marmolejo Sánchez, President of the Secretary of Education.