
The first edition of the Earth Charter Magazine is now available!

We are pleased to introduce the first edition of the Earth Charter Magazine, a publication that celebrates the diversity of voices and contributes to the purpose of our UNESCO Chair on Education for Sustainable Development on research and education at the intersection of sustainability, values and education.

Within these pages, you will encounter seven articles from a variety of authors working in different areas and cultural contexts. Some share brief research results; others offer personal reflections on experiences related to their work with the Earth Charter. This issue contains articles highlighting how the Earth Charter principles have been incorporated into curricula at the school and university levels. Some articles emphasize the importance of the whole institution approach (WIA) and transdisciplinarity in education; others link the Earth Charter with key concepts, voices, or areas of knowledge. These examples and lessons learned could be used to spark new approaches to readers’ own education institution or practice.

Click here to read the magazine
