“The Earth Charter as a New Worldview in a Post-Neoliberal World: Chaos Theory and Morphic Fields as Explanatory Contexts” is an article written by Alfonso Fernández-Herrería and Miguel Martínez-Rodríguez, from the University of Granada, Spain. These authors have been using the Earth Charter in their work
Given that we are immersed in a multifaceted global crisis, the authors argue the need of bold, alternative ideas, which entail a change in our way of seeing: a change that goes beyond the accumulation of diverse experiences and practices of resistance in different parts of the world. The authors turn to chaos theory, Sheldrake’s morphic fields, and, as a concretion of a new worldview, to the Earth Charter. All this converges in specific programs, such as Felber’s Economy of the Common Good, which is a model committed to a profound transformation of neoliberal capitalist globalization.
This article is published in World Futures, The Journal of New Paradigm Research. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Publisher. This Journal is edited by Erwin Laszlo.
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