Essays, Research & Academic
Published: 2014 Country: International
Poemas Adrian Figueroa
Poemas escritos por Adrian Figueroa, sobre la Carta de la Tierra y la sustentabilidad. Adrián Figueroa es Mexicano, trabaja en Ecoparadigma A.C, en San Luis Potosí.
Published: 2014 Country: International
Seminario Consumo y Produccion Sostenible
Presentaciones realizadas por el Instituto ALANA y PNUMA sobre el enfoque del consumo y producción sostenible, durante el seminario sobre este tema realizado el 23 de agosto del 2014.
Published: 2014 Country: International
Experiencia SIPT Colombia
Experiencia del uso de la Carta de la Tierra en programa de responsabilidad social en compañía SIPT, Colombia
Published: 2014 Country: Costa Rica
Festival CEUNA 2014
Detalle del XIV Festival Eco-Cientifico-Cultural del Centro Educativo CEUNA, Costa Rica. Tema: La Carta de la Tierra.
Published: 2014 Country: International
Programa Accion Global EDS ppt
Presentacion de Astrid Hollander sobre el Programa de Accion Global de la Educacion para el Desarrollo Sostenible.
Published: 2014 Country: International
The Heart of the Matter: Infusing Sustainability Values in Education
Collection of experiences of education for sustainable development with the Earth Charter.
Published: 2014 Country: International
Earth Charter Poster Infusing values in education
Poster that presents several articles contained in the publication "The heart of the matter, Infusing sustainability values in education. Experiences of ESD with the Earth Charter"
Published: 2014 Country: International
Reporte Perspectiva Juvenil sobre EDS
Resultado de la consulta regional a jóvenes latinoamericanos sobre su perspectiva de la educación para el desarrollo sostenible.
Published: 2014 Country: Belarus
Partnership Network of Sustainable Development Schools: Inter-Regional Cooperation and Sustainable Change
"Partnership Network of Sustainable Development Schools: Inter-regional Cooperation and Sustainable Change": The Collection. Scientific-Method. Mater., Recommended. and Experience / Ed. N.N. Koshal, S.B. Savelava - Minsk: Academy of Postgraduate Education, 2014
Published: 2013 Country: Germany
Case Study: Earth Charter Practice Handbook
This is a study of the “Erd-Charta Praxishandbuch” (Earth Charter Practice Handbook), a publication by the German Earth Charter affiliate Ecumenical One World Initiative (EOWI). It is an innovative manual on how to put the spirit of the Earth Charter…