Historical Documents
Published: 2015 Country: International
The Systems View of Life: A Science for Sustainable Living – Speech by Fritjof Capra at the Earth Charter Center March 20, 2015
This is a speech given by Dr. Fritjof Capra at the Earth Charter plus 15 Forum: Finding Synergies and Building Bridges Reorienting Education towards Sustainable Development, Sustainable Consumption and Global Citizenship Under the framework of the UNESCO Chair on Education…
Published: 2015 Country: International
Forum Report: Finding Synergies and Building Bridges Reorienting Education towards Sustainable Development, Sustainable Consumpt
This is the report of the International Forum: Finding Synergies and Building Bridges Reorienting Education towards Sustainable Development, Sustainable Consumption and Global Citizenship. It was held at the Earth Charter Center in Costa Rica on March 20, 2015.
Published: 2015 Country: International
Enseigner et comprendre le Developpement Durable
Cet ouvrage sur l'Education au Développement Durable réalisé autour de la Charte de la Terre, constitue un outil pédagogique permettant de connaitre les différents concepts propres au D.D, comprendre le rapport Brundtland, comprendre la Charte de la Terre, comprendre la…
Published: 2015 Country: International
Education à la Paix
Cet ouvrage sur l'Education à la Paix réalisé autour de la Charte de la Terre, constitue un outil pédagogique permettant d'aborder les notions d’éducation à la paix et d’interculturalité et de montrer l’importance du fait religieux dans l’éducation à la…
Published: 2015 Country: International
Comparaison des principes de la Charte de la Terre avec les nouveaux Objectifs du Développement Durable 2015
Le tableau suivant propose une comparaison possible entre les principes de la Charte de la Terre et les nouveaux Objectifs de Développement Durable de 2015, négociés par les États au sein des Nations Unies. Il analyse, observe et commente les…
Published: 2015 Country: International
Democratic Equality, Economic Inequality, and the Earth Charter
Democratic Equality, Economic Inequality, and the Earth Charter. By Steven C. Rockefeller published in June 2015, Earth Charter International. This version is the Second edition with Postscript, published in November 2015.
Published: 2015 Country: Mexico
Universidad Franco Mexicana
Actividades realizadas con la Carta de la Tierra en la Universidad Franco Mexicana, y sus instituciones adjuntas.
Published: 2015 Country: International
Earth Charter Initiative Annual Report 2014
This report offers an overview of Earth Charter activities in 2014.
Published: 2015 Country: International
Final Report Experts Meeting on Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development in Latin America and The Caribbean
Final Report and Recommendations of the Experts Meeting on Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development in Latin America and The Caribbean, held from 12-14 May, 2015 at the Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development at University for Peace,…
Published: 2015 Country: International
The Earth Charter and Contributions of Confucian Values Toward a Sustainable Future
This is a paper adapted from a lecture Mary Evelyn Tucker gave in July 2015 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong during the 19th International Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy (ISCP). The focus of this year’s…