The principles of the Earth Charter are taking a 50,000 kilometer journey up, down, and around the world along with Kendon Glass and the members of the Brink Expedition, who are attempting to use only human power and the natural elements for their travels.
Kendon’s current position on the globe is in
The Brink Innovative Education project teaches awareness, respect for the natural environment, and the students’ essential roles as active global citizens. And with the aid of modern technology, the Expedition’s adventures are shared with Australian schools through LIVE satellite link ups, regular on-line journals, and a web-based curriculum tailored to this global traverse.
“I was really excited the first time we called the Brink Team on their satellite phone. I couldnt believe that we were talking to them while they were in the Amazon Jungle,” said Brigette, age ten.
Using the Earth Charter as a framework for curriculum modules, and integrating technology and adventure into a real-life context, the Brink Innovative Education project is delivering progressive education that excites and inspires young imaginations, and acting as a platform for further investigation and learning.
Another child, Rebecca, age nine, said, “The Brink Expedition Team is traveling without using fossil fuels, so we had to make a support vehicle for them that would use a fuel that was safe for the environment. I made a model of a solar-powered bus to help carry all their supplies. I cant believe that they carry everything with them on their bikes!”
The Expedition is the spirit of the Earth Charter in action around the world. When the Brink Expedition Team visits a community, it communicates the messages of the Earth Charter and spends time in schools to discuss the Earth Charter and the Brink chosen Hotspots. All schools registering with the Brink School Room receive a school pack, containing the Earth Charter, a childrens’ adaptation of the Earth Charter, and the UNESCO CD Rom “Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future,” as well as other Brink Expedition materials.
Kendon Glass is a young Australian adventurer and media professional. In all, his journey will span over thirty countries and fulfill his quest to highlight a range of social and environmental issues–the Hotspots. Kendon is combining his love for travel and adventure with his instructional technology skills to produce an interactive website that tracks the story of the journey.
Kendon discovered the Earth Charter while developing a curriculum that would give schools an opportunity to share the adventure. He was joined in 2002 by Louise Erbacher, who also joined the local Queensland Earth Charter Committee (QEEC) that year, and by his little brother Ben Glass. They created the Brink Expedition to capture the hearts and minds of educators and students, and promote the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable way of life (Earth Charter Principle 14).
The Brink Expedition ( ) has since proven itself to be a powerfully inspirational model for learning.