CEI – Caretakers of the Environment International is a global network of secondary school teachers and students active in environmental education. Every year, CEI organizes an international conference in different parts of the world; they also generate education materials and national branches, which also organize additional events.
This year, several individuals involved in the Earth Charter Initiative will participate in CEI Annual Conference. This event will take place from 03-09 July 2011 in Debrecen, Hungary.
Members of Earth Charter Taiwan will participate in this event. Among them, several indigenous students with an indigenous teacher will attend CEI Conference, and make a presentation called: Back to the Millet Field- Reconstructing the Ancient Wisdom for a Sustainable Future. They will talk about the Earth Charter and their work in their presentation, sharing how this document has been used in environmental education in Taiwan.
Fatima Almeida, Earth Charter International Affiliate from Portugal is the Vice-President of CEI since 2007. She has been making the connections between the Earth Charter values and the work done during CEI Conferences.
In September 2011, CEI Argentinian branch will organize a conference on environmental education and citizen participation, at Universidad Nacional de Lanús. During this conference, Fatima Almeida will conduct an Earth Charter workshop.