
Remembering 20 Years of the Earth Charter at IUCN

From November 17–25, 2004, during the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Bangkok, a historic resolution was adopted, recognizing the Earth Charter as an ethical guide aligned with IUCN’s mission, fueled by the collaborative efforts of the IUCN Commission on Environmental Law and a team of visionary experts.

We offer special gratitude to the extraordinary leadership of Dr. Parvez Hassan and Dr. Nicholas Robinson (Consecutive Chairs of the Commision of Environmental Law), the late Wolfgang Burhenne (Executive Governor, International Council of Environmental Law), Ron Engel (Founder of the Ethics Working Group of the World Conservation Union (IUCN)), Klaus Bosselmann, Brendan Mackey and Kathryn Gwiazdon (current Chair of the IUCN Ethics Specialist Group) for their interdisciplinary vision and dedication. Their efforts ensured that the Earth Charter would serve as an inspirational framework to promote justice, sustainability, and peace.

The resolution reads:

The World Conservation Congress at its 3rd Session in Bangkok, Thailand, 17-25 November 2004:

1. ENDORSES the Earth Charter as an inspirational expression of civil society’s vision for building a just, sustainable and peaceful world;

2. RECOGNIZES, consistent with IUCN’s mission, the Earth Charter as an ethical guide for IUCN policy and will work to implement its principles through the IUCN Intersessional Programme;

3. RECOMMENDS that the Earth Charter be used by IUCN to help advance education and dialogue on global interdependence, shared values, and ethical principles for sustainable ways of living; and

4. ENCOURAGES member organizations and states to examine the Earth Charter and to determine the role the Earth Charter can play as a policy guide within their own spheres of responsibility. While much progress has been made, significant work can still be done to ensure full implementation of this Union’s Resolution. Let us renew these commitments and strengthen collaboration to build a sustainable future.

While much progress has been made, significant work can still be done to ensure full implementation of this Union’s Resolution. Let us renew these commitments and strengthen collaboration to build a sustainable future.