In Brazil, the Alternativa Terrazul Civil Association, a social and environmental NGO, affiliated to the Earth Charter International, started to prepare for the International Festival to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Earth Charter launch.
With the purpose to raise awareness of people on the vision that it is articulated in the Earth Charter and its importance to current times, as well as to intensify its dissemination, a committee was created with various civil society entities, universities, parliament and government departments in Brasilia. The plan it to mobilize society as a whole to carry out debates, conversation circles and cultural activities.
These efforts and activities started in November 2019 and will continue until June 2020, when the “Earth Charter Festival – 20 years!” will be held in Brasilia in June 2020. Preparatory activities took place in São Paulo-SP where Terrazul celebrated traditional cultures with a dialogue on the Earth Charter as part of the First Festival of Contemporary Indigenous Song. Then in Fortaleza, Brazil, a dialogue on indigenous culture and agroecology was held during the Sustainable Turnaround activities and in Brasilia, various activities were held in parks and public spaces that reinforce the values and principles of the Earth Charter.