AES Brasil is one of the main business groups in the country with a strong performance in the electric sector – generation, distribution, and commercialization – responsible for serving 7 million clients in Sao Paulo. It is part of AES Corporation, present in 28 countries in five continents.
AES Brasil, comprising two distributors – AES Eletropaulo and AES Sul – and two generators – AES Tietê and AES Uruguaiana – recently launched its Sustainability Platform prioritizing five strategic themes for the coming years: Generation of Sustainable Energy; Efficiency in the Use of Resources; Security; Development and Valorization of Contributors; Providers and Communities, as well as Innovation and Excellency for the satisfaction of Clients.
Businesses from AES Brasil declare their commitment to act as transformative agents, understanding, meeting, and participating in their clients’ electric energy needs, with safe and innovative solutions for the economic, environmental, and social development of the communities in which they are present.
The Earth Charter International developed the following two interesting activities jointly with AES Brasil in 2011:
- A conference by Earth Charter Co-Chair Brendan Mackey on Climate Change and its impact on personal and professional lives, delivered to 103 employees on September 30th.
- A workshop by ECI Director Mirian Vilela and Cristina Moreno about the Earth Charter and responsibility on October 28th, delivered to 29 AES Brasil leaders. The workshop was part of the company’s Education for Sustainability Program.
Also, AES Brasil is sponsoring the Earth Charter communication campaign towards Rio+20.
Learn more about the Sustainability Platform of AES Brasil here.