Inspired by the Earth Charter the Municipal Library in Sedl??any has chosen the Earth Charter as the theme for the 7th year of the community project entitled Luká??ek (short for Saint Lucas, the patron saint of surgeons, physicians and painters). The organizers believe in “healing” human relations with the help of visual arts, education and various creative activities.
The town of Sedl??any with its 7,623 inhabitants lies 70 km south of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. The municipal library, which celebrated its 125th anniversary in 2007, has always played a key role in promoting culture and education in the town and serving as a community center. At present the library has 2,250 members, which is 30% of the town`s population. Among the readership there are 687 children, an amazing 68% of the town`s youth population. Beside traditional services (lending out the books and printed media) the library provides modern information services such as the Internet, CD-ROM, electronic databases (Anopress, ??TK), etc.
In 2001 the library acquired new premises with modern facilities improving the lending system and information services. The design of the interior provides an ideal space for other types of community activities including exhibitions, talks, lectures, and educational courses. The library is a so-called ‘family-type’ library and in October 2007 a new community center was built and became an integral part of it.
How it all started
The librarians of the municipal library have decided to focus on community activities such as project Luká?? which promotes education and improves relationships among the people of the entire region through visual arts and art education. Although the organizers live in a small town, the project, which is entering its 7th year of existence, is already known as a large-scale community project with clear goals.
The aim of the project
The aim of the project is to spread the knowledge about the new global ethics expressed in the Earth Charter and to encourage people to take responsibility for life in the region, being aware of interconnectedness of local and global challenges. The project traditionally has a direct impact on everyone who takes part in it, as well as an indirect impact on the entire population of the town and region by enhancing responsibility for the whole community of life. The organizers hope that the Luká??ek project becomes a source of inspiration for other individuals and groups in the Czech Republic.
The project coordinator, Rev. Iva Fi??erová, the Unitarian Minister said “We are happy we can join the global family in its efforts to introduce the Earth Charter locally. We also hope to inspire other groups in the Czech Republic to start their own projects.”
Starting in October 2009 information on the Project will be updated regularly.
Organizers in charge:
Chief organizer: Blanka Tauberová, Senior Executive of the Municipal Library in Sedl??any; phone: +420 318 821 186, e-mail: [email protected]
Chief leader of the artistic part of the project: Mgr. Zora Sokolová, arts teacher; phone: +420 605 179 263
Methodologist of the artistic part of the project: Franti??ek Míka, educationalist and graphic designer; phone: +420 317 834 581
Coordinator of the project: Rev. Iva Fi??erová, Unitarian Minister; phone: +420 721 676 534, e-mail: [email protected]