On 24-27 August 2011 an interesting conference will take place in Kampala, Uganda, entitled: Balancing Innovation and Sustainability Conference & Expo. This event is organized by Pilot International. The conference aims to bring together key leading global innovators, sustainability experts, and scientists to discuss, showcase, network and identify leading edge green businesses, technologies and development opportunities from around the globe.
The conference will run alongside an expo featuring an international market place of vendors, development partners, manufacturers and consumers. The event will conclude with a grand networking gala where high profile prizes in innovation and sustainability will be awarded to distinguished personalities and organizations for their achievements in global innovation and sustainability. Nomination for the 2011 Pilot Awards is now open.
The Earth Charter International Secretariat is supporting Pilot International by disseminating information of this conference, and inviting all those interested from the Earth Charter Initiative to attend.
Find in this link more information about the conference: