From 5 to 6 June 2009, the Taiwan Ecological Stewardship Association (TESA), Earth Charter Affiliate, and the Graduate Institute of Environmental Education of NTNU, are organizing an International Conference called “Earth Charter and Local Action”, in Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China.
This event will count with participants from the Ministry of Education, universities, NGOs, unions, businesses and many others who are using and putting in practice the Earth Charter in their local contexts. In addition, Brendan Mackey, Earth Charter International (ECI) Council Member and Alicia Jiménez, ECI Secretariat staff, will participate in this event. They will offer several lectures, but most importantly, will learn about the exciting developments going on in
From 7 to 10 June, TESA is organizing a field trip to experience many of the actions towards sustainability that are going to be discussed during the Conference.