Earth Charter +25 Event – Preliminary List of Speakers & Contributors

Joan Anderson

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Joan Anderson was born in Scotland and graduated from St. Andrews University. She worked as a magazine editor in London, then worked for NGOs for ten years – first with VSO (the UK equivalent of Peace Corps), then with Save the Children UK. She spent nearly 5 years living and working in Cambodia. Already a practicing Buddhist, she then moved to Japan to work for the Soka Gakkai Buddhist organization where she has been for 25 years. She first encountered the Earth Charter in 1999, and became passionate about its inspiring vision of a caring planetary community. For SGI, she has helped create a series of exhibitions that introduce the Earth Charter.

Peter Akkerman

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Founder ‘Bos dat van zichzelf is’ – Wood that owns itself
Defender Rights of Nature
The Netherlands

Nobuyuki Asai

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Nobuyuki Asai serves as executive director of ​the Soka Gakkai Peace Committee and director for sustainable development and humanitarian affairs for Soka Gakkai International (SGI).
He has worked in the Tokyo headquarters of the Soka Gakkai Buddhist association since 1999 and joined the peace committee in 2011. He served as chair of Soka Gakkai’s Youth Peace Conference until 2019, covering global issues including nuclear disarmament, humanitarian affairs and ​the SDGs.

Nobuyuki is a member of several civil society networks for SDGs and relevant issues and is a leadership council member of the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities (JLILFC) and chair of the disaster unit of the Japan Civil Society Network on the SDGs.

He was born in Miyagi Prefecture in 1976. He graduated from Tokyo University with a Bachelor of Law degree.

Michael Bracken

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Michael J. Bracken (United States) is the Chair of the ECI Board. He has served as the President of Medcom Benefit Solutions (Medcom), a leading provider of employee benefit administration and consulting services for prominent employers throughout the U.S since 1996.

Peter Blaze Corcoran

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Dr. Peter Blaze Corcoran is Professor Emeritus of Environmental Studies and Environmental Education at Florida Gulf Coast University. He has been a faculty member at College of the Atlantic, Swarthmore College, and Bates College in the United States. He has held appointments as a visiting professor at universities in Australia, The Netherlands, Fiji, Malaysia, and Kenya. Currently, he serves as Adjunct Professor of Environmental and Sustainability Education at University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia and as Senior Advisor for Faith and Ecology to Unity Earth in Melbourne, Australia. In 2024, he received the Thomas Berry Award for his research on Earth Charter ethics. He has long served as Research Fellow at the Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development at University for Peace in San José, Costa Rica. He is a Past-president of the North American Association for Environmental. Earth Ethics Institute at Miami Dade College has designated him as an Elder. Corcoran is a member of the Board of Directors at the Frances Perkins Center. He serves on the Grant Selection Council of Purpose Earth, a new organization which supports community and environmental activism worldwide. He continues to be active as a scholar on a range of topics in educational and environmental studies, including youth climate anxiety, Indigenous ways of knowing, and wonder.

Klaus Bosselmann

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Dr. Klaus Bosselmann (German/New Zealand) is Professor of Environmental Law and Founding Director of the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law at the University of Auckland. During his long-standing academic career in Germany and New Zealand, he has served as a consultant to the United Nations, the OECD, the European Union and several governments. He has been involved in the drafting of key international agreements including the UN Climate Change Convention, the Earth Charter and the Global Pact for the Environment. Professor Bosselmann has published thirty books and over a hundred articles in the areas of environmental ethics and law, political ecology, global governance and international environmental law including the one together with Prue Taylor, Ecological Approaches to Environmental Law (2017).

Sam Crowell

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Dr. Crowell is professor emeritus of education at California State University–San Bernardino and a founder and co-director of the MA in Holistic and Integrative Education and the Center for Holistic and Integrative Learning. He has worked as an elementary school teacher, a principal, an administrator, and a university professor. He considers himself a holistic educator and an advocate of the artistry of teaching. He has been actively engaged with Education for Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter and co-authored the book, “The Re-Enchantment of Learning: A Manual for Teacher Renewal and Classroom Transformation” published by Corwin Press, and just released his new book, “Emergent Teaching: A Path of Creativity, Significance, and Transformation.”

Grian Cutanda

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Grian Cutanda (Spain) has a PhD in Education Sciences and a BA and MA in Psychology. Cutanda is the founder of The Earth Stories Collection and The Avalon Project, an Earth Charter International Affiliated organization from Spain. In addition, he is translator, communicator and author of 15 books (fiction and essay), translated into 12 languages, with an international bestseller, The Gardener. Social and environmental activist in Spain and Scotland, he actively participated in the Indignados Movement (forerunner of the Occupy Movement) and the People’s Climate March, and has been one of the initial drivers of Extinction Rebellion in Spain and Mexico. Founder of the educational and activist NGO The Avalon Project – Initiative for a Culture of Peace, his research has given rise to The Earth Stories Collection.

Jessica den Outer

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Founder ‘Stichting Rechten van de Natuur’
Rights of Nature: UN expert | author | speaker | director @rechtenvandenatuur
The Netherlands

Heather Eaton

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Heather Eaton, Full Professor, Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Canada: interdisciplinary Ph.D. in ecology, feminism and theology. Committed to integral ecology, ethics, and religious responses to ecological crises. Involved in conferences, workshops, teaching and publishing in these areas. Her authored and edited books include Earthly Things: Immanence, New Materialisms, and Planetary Thinking, with Karen Bray and Whitney Bauman, (2023); Advancing Nonviolence and Social Transformation: New Perspectives on Nonviolent Theories with Lauren Levesque (2016): The Intellectual Journey of Thomas Berry: Imagining the Earth Community (2014):Ecological Awareness: Exploring Religion, Ethics and Aesthetics, with Sigurd Bergmann (2011) : Introducing Ecofeminist Theologies ( 2005), and Ecofeminism and Globalization: Exploring Religion, Culture, Context (2003) with Lois Ann Lorentzen, plus dozens of academic articles. She is on the board of the journal Worldviews: Global Religions, Environment and Culture, previously on the steering committee of Religion and Ecology at the American Academy of Religion, and past president of the Canadian Theological Society. Recent work includes a) Integral ecology: b) Earth dynamics and religious imagination: c) peace and conflict studies on gender, ecology, leadership: d) animal rights: e) Nonviolence.

Maria Garcia

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Maria Garcia-Alvarez (Spain/Netherlands) is a Senior lecturer by the Global Project and Change Management BBA program at the Windesheim University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands. She is a lecturer in Geopolitics & Globalization and Global Challenges, using the Earth Charter to teach on values approach to sustainable development. She is co-developer and coordinator of the educational concept Value Creators, awarded by the Dutch Ministry of Education with the higher award on education innovation. She is an Earth Charter certified ESD Educator and she is involved in other international networks working on Sustainable Development, such is UN SDSN, UN Habitat, Wellbeing Economy Alliance and the IDGs initiative. She is a PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Philosophy, Anthropology and Education at the University of the Basque country, where she carries research on innovative learning environments to foster Education for Sustainable Development. She is also a guest lecturer for the Master of Leadership and Sustainability Aldatuz, faculty of Economics at the university of the Basque Country, where she lecturers on alternative futures for sustainable development. She has authored and co-authored different articles published internationally in the field of ESD. At the moment, she is also Special Editor for Springer Nature series on Discover Sustainability, where she guides an edition highlighting tools and concepts to overcome barriers for a full implementation of ESD in higher education. In the Netherlands, she is member of the Board of Directors of the National Comenius Network, fostering innovation in higher education.

Neshan Gunasekera

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Neshan Gunasekera, WIJA is an international lawyer, educationist, leadership coach, facilitator and environmentalist from Sri Lanka. He is committed to bring communities together for environmental protection, healing and conservation through the use of intergenerational, holistic and experiential learning. Between 2008 – 2012, he Directed the Training for Trusteeship Programme, which brought together international students from various parts of the world to Sri Lanka. This programme utilized the Earth Charter both in principle application and as a guide for its training and follow up projects and the Earth Charter Secretariat was a key partner providing insight and inspiration to this effort. In 2024, he was involved in drafting the People’s Pact for the Future which was a participatory lobbying document produced by a large coalition of CSOs led by the Coalition for the UN We Need and was launched ahead of the UN CSO Conference in Nairobi. This document draws from the Earth Charter as a key document informing decision making at the multilateral level and for the future. Neshan holds membership in several organizations and networks, including IUCN, World Ethics Forum, Climate Rights International and is currently, Co-Chair, Earth Trusteeship Initiative – Working Group, CEO and Councilor, World Future Council and Lead Counsel, on Peace, Governance and Future Generations, Centre for International Sustainable Development Law.

Alicia Jimenez

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Alicia Jiménez is Director of Programmes at the Earth Charter International (ECI) Secretariat in Costa Rica. She is a biologist from the University of Costa Rica, with a MSc in Resource Development from Michigan State University in the United States and a PhD on Education from La Salle University, Costa Rica. Since 1998, she has been working in the field of conservation and sustainable development. She worked in the IUCN Mesoamerica’s Regional Office and the National University of Costa Rica, and has been involved as a visiting professor at the University for Peace. In 2006, she joined the ECI, where she oversees the Earth Charter work especially in Latin America, Africa & the Middle East and Asia Pacific. In addition, she is involved with the Secretariat’s projects on education for sustainable development, facilitating courses, workshops and research processes. As part of her doctoral research, Alicia generated the instruments and methodology of the Earth Charter School Seal. She received a fellowship at Leuphana University (Germany) to work in the area of transdisciplinarity and education for sustainable development.

Jaap Jongejan

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Jaap Jongejan, The Netherlands, is director-board member of SBI Estate Zonheuvel. He is a true networker, inspirator and innovator. SBI engages in dialogue at all levels with people in enterprises and in society. SBI supports innovative thinking in labour relations, in which cooperation, reflection and inspiration are important values. Thinking differently as the starting point for different actions.

Song Li

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Song Li (China/United States) is retired as the Senior Environmental Specialist at the World Bank, Middle East and North Africa Region. She was the Regional Coordinator for the Global Environment Facility (GEF) for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. She worked with the United Nations Environment Programme, responsible for the financial mechanism of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Song Li was Director, Division of Environmental Law, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China. She has an Environmental Law Master’s degree from George Washington University Law School; studied at the University Paris III and IIV, France and at the Institute of foreign languages of Beijing, French language, World Economics and History.

Jane Kilonzo

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Jane Kionzo (Kenya) is a Professional Accountant and Banker by training and former Deputy Managing Director at Bank of Africa, Kenya. Jane Kilonzo has 26 years of banking experience, cutting across all operations and risk management practices of the bank encompassing Environmental and Social Risks oversight as well as risk management training in several countries in Africa. Over the years, she has strived to high standards of moral and ethical principles in whatever she engaged in.

Ms. Kilonzo’s work and interest on sustainability issues has been twofold; in her professional banking work and on a personal level. Along these lines, she was responsible for the implementation and monitoring of Environmental and Social Risk procedures in the Bank’s Lending Process, involving the Bank’s Group Sustainability Charter centered around 6 commitments to guide its practices. For several years she was involved in the Kenya Bankers’ Association (KBA) CEO Roundtable Forums on Sustainable Finance.

She is passionate about social justice and gender equality and has over the years been actively engaged as a Director in the work of several not-for profit organizations working in the area of social justice and ethical leadership, namely: Carolina for Kibera, an organization working to catalyze positive change in the largest slum in Kenya and largest urban slum in Africa, and alleviate poverty through the pillars of Primary Healthcare, Education & Livelihood, and Empowerment of the girl child living in the informal settlement; Teule Kenya an organization focused on rehabilitating street children and orphans as well as vulnerable children; CBT Africa an Organization committed to mentoring, empowering and mobilizing ethical leaders in Africa. Ms. Kilonzo was also Patron and Founder of the Nawiri Women Network at the bank aimed at gender equality and creating an enabling culture for growth by addressing challenges specific to women.

Paul Lubbers

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Paul Lubbers (Netherlands/Spain) is Director of Breesaap Green Link, a clean-tech business investment company in Madrid, Spain. Paul has set up various businesses focused on sustainability and serves on the Supervisory Board of various companies in the areas of renewable energy and sustainable transport.

Michelle Maloney

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Michelle Maloney is an Earth lawyer, educator and writer. She is the Co-Founder and National Convenor of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA), a not-for-profit organisation advocating for Earth laws and ecocentrism. She is also the Director of Future Dreaming, an Indigenous and non-Indigenous partnership organisation working to build cross cultural ecological knowledge in Australia. Michelle has degrees in Political Science and Law (Hons) from the Australian National University and a PhD in Law from Griffith University. She has published books and articles, as well as hosted dozens of webinar series, courses and events, exploring Rights of Nature, Earth jurisprudence, bioregional approaches to ecocentrism and decolonising Western knowledge. For more information, visit: or

Christa Meindersma

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Christa Meindersma is chair of the Worldconnectors. Christa is mediator and international lawyer with extensive experience in international diplomacy and conflict resolution. She worked as senior political advisor and negotiator for the UN and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She led complex negotiations between warring parties and governments in conflict areas such as East Timor/Indonesia, Kosovo, Sudan, Nigeria/Cameroon, Nepal and served also in New York. Subsequently Christa held management and board positions at NGOs, charities and non-profit organizations in the Netherlands and commented on foreign policy issues in the media. Christa was co-founder of The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies, director of the Prince Claus Fund and co-director of the International Campaign for Tibet-Europe, a global organization dedicated to seeking a peaceful resolution to the 60-year conflict in Tibet. In these roles, she designed and led dialogues and round table discussions with various stakeholders to make complex problems discussable. Christa’s international interest and involvement started in 1986 when she travelled to Tibet. In 2022 Christa published her first book entitled ‘Bullet from Beijing: stories from occupied Tibet.’

Akpezi Ogbuigwe

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Akpezi Ogbuigwe (Nigeria, Lagos) is the Chair of the Earth Charter International Council. Dr. Akpezi Ogbuigwe is the Founder of Anpez Centre for Environment and Development (ACFED), a centre she founded in 1991 to respond to the huge environmental neglect and pollution of the Niger Delta Region. She is the promoter of The Star Advantage Network founded to mobilise and proliferate change actions to keep HOPE (Help One Person Everyday) alive and lighten up our world in every dimension. She currently serves as UNU-RCE’s Regional Adviser for the region of Africa, where she facilitates cooperation and partnerships for sustainable development from local to global and vice versa.

Dr. Ogbuigwe served as the Head of Environmental Education and Training at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP 2002 – 2014), the main focal point for UNEP for the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, and the Coordinator of UNEP’s Ecosystem Management Programme. While at UNEP, among other responsibilities, she coordinated UNEP’s multi-stakeholder programme on Mainstreaming Environment and Sustainability in African Universities (MESA) and the student’s movement on Sustainability Generation. Dr. Ogbuigwe was also UNEP’s focal point, trainer, and facilitator for the UNEP/University of Joensuu Course on International Environmental Law Making and Diplomacy, as well as the lead writer of the UNEP Environmental Education and Training Implementation Strategy for 2008 – 2011. Prior to joining UNEP in 2002, she was a Reader and Dean, for five years, at the Faculty of Law, Rivers State University (RSU) where she was appointed Reader in 1999. Between 2010 and 2012, she was appointed a guest professor at the Tongji University, Shanghai, China.

With over thirty years of professional experience as a law professor and avid researcher in transformative change in higher education in Africa, environmental law and policy, and sustainable development and education or sustainable development, she facilitates university partnerships and actively engages in civil society participation and has contributed to various articles published in international journals and book chapters. Her publications include: The Imperative for Legal Education Responsiveness to the Climate Change Exigency, in Faculty of Law RSU 40th Anniversary Publication (2022); SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals: A view from inside Africa’s Higher Education Institutions, in Approaches to SDG 17 Partnerships for the SDGs (SDGs), GUNI, 28-36 (2018); Climate Change Education in Africa, SAJEE, 2009. Access her TEDXFGCU talk on Africa: An Alternate Narrative (; and plenary keynote lecture at the 2018 AASHEC Conference at

Dr. Ogbuigwe has received awards and distinctions such as the Environmental Creation Awareness Award from Environment Outreach magazine (2010) and the Outstanding Young Persons of Nigeria Award in recognition of contributions to Moral and Environmental Leadership by the Junior Chamber International Nigeria during its 40th Anniversary Convention (1997). She was also honored as the Rachel Carson Distinguished Professor by the Center for Environmental and Sustainability Education at Florida Gulf Coast University, United States, in 2011.

Anthony Ogbuigwe

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Engr. Tony Ogbuigwe has over 40 years’ experience in the Oil and Gas Industry including senior positions in the NNPC Group and in Nigeria LNG Company. He was the Executive Project Manager Nigeria LNG Ltd from 2002 to 2010, responsible for managing the construction of Trains 4, 5, and 6 which together produce about 12.6million tons per annum of liquefied natural gas (LNG). He was Managing Director, Port Harcourt Refining Company (PHRC) from February 2010 till June 2012. He was thereafter the Group Executive Director, Refining and Petrochemicals of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) until December 2013 before retiring statutorily and meritoriously.

In recognition of his wide-ranging experience and expertise, Tony was elected President of the African Refiners Association in March 2013, a position he held until 2014. Since then, he has continued to function as an Advisor to the Association for the ECOWAS Region. This Association is the voice for the entire Petroleum Refineries and Downstream petroleum marketing and distribution sector in Africa. They have championed investment in infrastructure, improvement of the efficiency of the sector and the quality of petroleum products produced and sold in the continent.

Tony is a Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Engineering, the Nigerian Society of Engineers, the Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers and the British Institution of Chemical Engineers. In a special role as Senior Ambassador, he has served to foster cooperation between the NSChE and the IChemE. He is also the Chairman of the Board of the Centre for Gas, Refining and Petrochemicals Studies of the University of Port Harcourt, through which he continues to foster cooperation between Academia and Industry to produce graduates that meet the needs of Industry.

Odette Oosterkamp

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Earth Charter Young Leader, committed to helping people realize their full potential while building a sustainable, equitable, and peaceful world. With expertise in psychology and technology, Odette creates innovative solutions. Her mission is to turn ideas into impactful action by uniting people, organizations, and projects to inspire lasting change. She is part of the EC2025 project team in the Netherlands.

Alide Roerink

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Alide Roerink (The Netherlands) is an anthropologist and has been involved over the years in networking, advocacy, and policy development for gender justice, international solidarity, and global governance. Alide was coordinator of Vrouwenberaad Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, a network of gender experts in development agencies in The Netherlands. Between the year 2000 and 2013 she worked at the National Committee for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development (NCDO).

Alide coordinated the NCDO Earth Charter programme and the Round Table of Worldconnectors for People and the Planet. NCDO served for many years as EC Affiliate to Earth Charter International and cooperated with the Earth Charter Initiative in the launch of the Earth Charter in 2000 in the Peace Palace in The Hague, in the Earth Charter+5, +10 and +15 Events in The Netherlands. Alide Roerink initiated and co-edited the book Earth Charter in Action: Towards a Sustainable World. Alide Roerink was advisor to the Earth Charter Initiative before she joined the Council.

Currently she is active as family farmer of a food forest, next to taking part in the Earth Charter ‘ShareHood’ community in The Netherlands (

Prue Taylor

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Prue Taylor received her legal qualifications from Victoria University, New Zealand, and Tulane University, USA. She teaches environmental and planning law at the School of Architecture and Planning. She is the Deputy Director of the New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law and an elected member of the IUCN Commission of Environmental Law and its Ethics Specialist Group. She has been involved in the Earth Charter movement since 1992. Her book, An Ecological Approach to International Law: Responding to the Challenges of Climate Change (Routledge), won a NZ Legal Research Foundation Prize. In 2007, Prue received an outstanding achievement award from the IUCN in recognition of her contribution to law, ethics, and climate change.

Kazuo Takahashi

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Former Official of OECD and Advisor of the Library of Alexandria
Former Professor of the International Christian University

Rabbi Soetendorp

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Rabbi, writer and publicist Awraham Soetendorp was rabbi of the Liberal Jewish Community in The Hague from 1968 to 2008. Soetendorp is president of the European Region of the World Union of Progressive Judaism and vice-chairman of the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders. He is the founder of the Fund Hope for Children. He is also a member of the ‘International Green Cross’, the ‘Earth Charter‘ International Commission, ‘Water for Life’, and the committee for Millennium Development Goals. In the One Voice movement he is active in bringing together peace groups in Palestine and Israel. 

Veronique Swinkels

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Veronique Swinkels is a strategist, activist, entrepreneur and changemaker, currently living in The Netherlands, dedicated to integrating nature and future generations into business and governance. She is the founder of Innerpact, a foundation that places nature at the core of decision-making, helping individuals and organizations align with the SDGs and the Earth Charter.

She holds a Masters degree in communication policy, is trained in conflict resolution, Yoga, Theory U, Deep Democracy, and creative leadership. She completed her Sustainability Management training at the University of Cambridge. She recently completed a facilitator-program in Systemic Dynamics (Hellinger Institute).

Veronique holds leadership and advisory roles with Lab for Future Generations, was on the board of Earth Charter affiliate Worldconnectors, co-author of SDG Spotlight Report NL, and a long standing Earth Charter friend. She is currently co-organizing the Earth Charter+25 event in 2025.

Monique van Dam

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Founder & Co-producer inclusive & climate proof world 2064

Jan van de Venis

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Ombudsperson for Future Generations. co-founder Lab Future Generations
Human Rights expert
The Netherlands

Mirian Vilela

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Mirian Vilela is Executive Director of the Earth Charter International and the Center for Education for Sustainable Development at UPEACE and coordinator of the UNESCO Chair on Education for Sustainable Development with the Earth Charter. Mirian has been working with the Earth Charter Initiative since early 1996. She served as a member of the UNESCO Expert Reference Group for the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) and has been a professor on Sustainable Development at the University for Peace since 2005. She has a Master´s degree in Public Administration from Harvard University and a PhD in Education from La Salle University of Costa Rica.

Arjen Wals

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Professor of Transformative Learning for Socio-Ecological Sustainability at Wageningen University. He also holds the UNESCO Chair of Social Learning and Sustainable Development. Wals is also a Visiting Professor at Norwegian Life Science University in Ås where he supports the development of Whole Schools Approaches & Sustainability.

His recent work focuses on transformative social learning in vital coalitions of multiple stakeholders at the interface of science and society. His teaching and research focus on designing learning processes and learning spaces that enable people to contribute meaningfully sustainability. A central question in his work is: how to create conditions that support (new) forms of learning which take full advantage of the diversity, creativity and resourcefulness that is all around us, but so far remain largely untapped in our search for a world that is more sustainable than the one currently in prospect?

He writes a regular research blog that signals developments in the emerging field of sustainability education:

Robert Woodford

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Robert is the co-founder and executive director of the non-profit Deep Time Walk Project. He has MA Regenerative Economics (Schumacher College), MSc Science and Religion (University of Edinburgh), MA Management (Durham Business School) and BA Music (Durham University). He previously worked in senior roles at Qualcomm Europe and Adobe/Macromedia. A classically trained singer, Robert enjoys running, kayaking and wild swimming. Born at 330.43 CO2e ppm.

Atsufumi Yokoi

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Atsufumi Yokoi (Japan) is Vice President for Global Engagement Strategy of Okayama University, and UNESCO Chairholder in Research and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), established at Okayama University in 2007.

Ricardo Young

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Ricardo Young (Brazil) is a key figure in the socio-environmental entrepreneurship in Brazil. He was a councilor (member of the congress) in the city of Sao Paulo (2013-2017), elected in 2012 and has significant experience in developing public-private partnerships in Brazil. He is one of the founders and former president of the board of Ethos Institute for Business and Social Responsibility (a major association of companies in Brazil committed to sustainability) and former president of the Brazilian Association of Franchising. He is also a Co-Founder and Council Member of several organizations such as Sustainable São Paulo Movement, Sustainable Amazon Forum, and World Business Academy in Brazil. He was also a former member of the Sustainability Council of Santander Bank, Kimberly-Clark, Fibria, and Amata companies, as well as a Council Member of the Global Reporting Initiative and Corporate Sustainability Index, Baumgart Institute, and Bemtevi impact investments.

Ricardo is the founder and partner at CTI- Culture Transition and Integrity. He is also the founder of Casa Amarela, a space for art, culture, society, and the environment in Sao Paulo that holds a permanent exposition of Museu Xingu (one of the most expressive collections of indigenous artifacts in Brazil). He is currently the president of IDS Instituto Democracias e Sustentabilidade in Brazil and is part of the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Sao Paulo in the Chair of Global Cities.

In the late 90s, when Ricardo was Chairman of Yazigi (a language school network located all over Brazil through franchising), he incorporated the Earth Charter as an educational instrument in this school system. Since then, he has incorporated the Earth Charter in many of his activities, courses, and talks. Ricardo has a postgraduate degree in General Management, PDG-EXEC, and a doctorate in Sustainable Cities from the University of São Paulo (incomplete). He is also a fellow of the ELIAS program at MIT.

Miaojie Yu

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Dr. Yu Miaojie, is President, Liaoning University, China, He is a Fellow of the International Economic Association of the United Nations, a distinguished professor of the National Talent Program, and a recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. He is a deputy to the 14th National People’s Congress, Member of the Standing Committee of Liaoning Provincial People’s Congress, a special inspector of the State Committee of Supervisory, Vice President of Liaoning Provincial Discipline Inspection and Supervision Association, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Liaoning University. He is among the top 1% most highly cited economists in the field of economics and management in the world and is also at present the only Chinese scholar to win the Royal Economic Society Prize. He is one of the first-batch Changjiang Young Scholars (2015), an Outstanding Young Scientist of Beijing, a Boya Chair Professor at Peking University, a member of Economic and Trade Policy Advisory Committee of Ministry of Commerce, a council member of “China-US Research Think-Tank Alliance” of the Ministry of Finance, an Honorary Professor of Irkutsk State University in Russia, an expert member of International Advisory Council of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, and holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California, Davis. He serves as the Vice President of China Society of World Economics, Vice President of the Chinese Association of Quantitative Economics, Vice President of China Society of Industrial Economics, Vice President of Chinese Association of Hong Kong & Macao Studies, a contact representative for NPC Financial and Economic Committee and Budget Work Committee, Vice Chairman of Liaoning Federation of Social Sciences, and a member of the Legislative Committee of Liaoning Provincial People’s Congress. He has been appointed as an expert advisor by the United Nations, Asian Development Bank, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, Counselors’ Office of the State Council, and various local governments. He was specially invited to the Headquarters of the United Nations to deliver a report on China’s economic development and enjoys special government allowances from the State Council.