Earth Charter +25 Event – Preliminary List of Speakers & Contributors

Peter Akkerman

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Founder ‘Bos dat van zichzelf is’ – Wood that owns itself
Defender Rights of Nature
The Netherlands

Michael Bracken

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Michael J. Bracken (United States) is the Chair of the ECI Board. He has served as the President of Medcom Benefit Solutions (Medcom), a leading provider of employee benefit administration and consulting services for prominent employers throughout the U.S since 1996.

Sam Crowell

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Dr. Crowell is professor emeritus of education at California State University–San Bernardino and a founder and co-director of the MA in Holistic and Integrative Education and the Center for Holistic and Integrative Learning. He has worked as an elementary school teacher, a principal, an administrator, and a university professor. He considers himself a holistic educator and an advocate of the artistry of teaching. He has been actively engaged with Education for Sustainable Development and the Earth Charter and co-authored the book, “The Re-Enchantment of Learning: A Manual for Teacher Renewal and Classroom Transformation” published by Corwin Press, and just released his new book, “Emergent Teaching: A Path of Creativity, Significance, and Transformation.”

Jessica den Outer

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Founder ‘Stichting Rechten van de Natuur’
Rights of Nature: UN expert | author | speaker | director @rechtenvandenatuur
The Netherlands

Paul Lubbers

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Paul Lubbers (Netherlands/Spain) is Director of Breesaap Green Link, a clean-tech business investment company in Madrid, Spain. Paul has set up various businesses focused on sustainability and serves on the Supervisory Board of various companies in the areas of renewable energy and sustainable transport.

Brendan Mackey

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Brendan Mackey is a professor at Griffith University, Queensland Australia and is Director of the Griffith Climate Action Beacon. He has a PhD in ecology from The Australian National University and a long-standing interest in the nexus between science, policy, social ethics, law, and sustainability. He is a member of the Earth Charter International Council and previously served on it from 2006 to 2012, including as a Co-Chair from 2011-2012. Brendan is a Coordinating Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 6th Assessment Report. He previously served two terms on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Council where he chaired the IUCN’s Climate Change Task Force.

Akpezi Ogbuigwe

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Akpezi Ogbuigwe (Nigeria, Lagos) is the Chair of the Earth Charter International Council. Dr. Akpezi Ogbuigwe is the Founder of Anpez Centre for Environment and Development (ACFED), a centre she founded in 1991 to respond to the huge environmental neglect and pollution of the Niger Delta Region.

Alide Roerink

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Alide Roerink (Netherlands) is an anthropologist and has been involved over the years in networking, advocacy, and policy development for gender justice, international solidarity, and global governance.

Monique van Dam

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Founder & Co-producer inclusive & climate proof world 2064

Jan van de Venis

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Ombudsperson for Future Generations. co-founder Lab Future Generations
Human Rights expert
The Netherlands

Mirian Vilela

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Mirian Vilela is Executive Director of the Earth Charter International and the Center for Education for Sustainable Development at UPEACE and coordinator of the UNESCO Chair on Education for Sustainable Development with the Earth Charter. Mirian has been working with the Earth Charter Initiative since early 1996. She served as a member of the UNESCO Expert Reference Group for the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) and has been a professor on Sustainable Development at the University for Peace since 2005. She has a Master´s degree in Public Administration from Harvard University and a PhD in Education from La Salle University of Costa Rica.

Atsufumi Yokoi

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Atsufumi Yokoi (Japan) is Vice President for Global Engagement Strategy of Okayama University, and UNESCO Chairholder in Research and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), established at Okayama University in 2007.

Ricardo Young

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Ricardo Young is a key figure in the socio-environmental entrepreneurship in Brazil. He was a councilor (member of the congress) in the city of Sao Paulo (2013-2017), elected in 2012 and has significant experience in developing public-private partnerships in Brazil. Ricardo is the Vice-Chair of the ECI Council.