Earth Charter Friends Canada and the World of Walas celebrated {Embracing a Sustainable Lifestyle} in Vancouver on the Earth Charter Day on 29 June 2018.
It was heartwarming to see old connections and to make new ones while talking about the values and the principles that guide our work and lives. Embracing sustainability means doing what is within our own capabilities and inspiring others to do the same. It starts with ourselves.
As part of the event, many businesses came together to show what they do; such as being a zero-waste commercial printing business, providing support for indigenous youth, and building a community space.
Being on the ground and making local impact means that change can start small and right in your own neighborhood.
See below a video of the event by Dudoc Vancouver:
Dudoc Vancouver Earth Charter Day 2018 from Martin Chung on Vimeo.
Spinnerij Oosterveld, in Enschede the Netherlands, is part of World of Walas. This former textile factory has a history of more than a hundred years. Where people used to spin yarns in the mill, there is now a growing community of innovative and accomplished high tech entrepreneurs. The building is considered a Living Lab for innovation and sustainability. With this new economic function, it is a dynamic part of the city again.
World of Walas, Earth Charter International partner celebrated International Earth Charter Day 2018 distributing organic apples to tenants and visitors and providing information about the Earth Charter. This resulted in a number of interesting and enthusiastic conversations. It was very nice to see that many people really like the Earth Charter. It was a sunny and cheerful day filled with inspiration!
On 5 July, a special event took place at the Zonheuvel estate in Doorn as part of the International Earth Charter Day in the Netherlands:
The book “Ruud Lubbers: the man of the Earth Charter”, was launched. The book is a collection of stories from the Friends of the Earth Charter remembering Ruud Lubbers. It also features a message from Ruud Lubbers himself. The first copy was handed over to Ruud Lubbers’ son. “February 14 of this year Ruud Lubbers passed away. He was one of the founders of the Global Earth Charter Initiative and actively spread the message of ‘ecological integrity, justice, peace and non-violence’.
In Michoacán, the Michoacán University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo organized the Earth Charter Week from June 25 to July 5, with six talks on the principles and values of sustainability expressed in the Earth Charter. The talks took place in different venues of this university and were offered by Mateo Castillo Ceja, Coordinator of the Mexican Earth Charter Network. More information in this article of a local newspaper.
In Durango, Amorita Salas, focal point of the EC Mexican Network in this State, organized several activities to celebrate the 18th anniversary of the Earth Charter, with the support of Juarez University of Durango. A radio interview (23 June, Radiograma Laguna 106.7FM); two teacher training workshops on education for sustainability (27 June and 4 July, at the Municipal Institute of Ecology of Gómez Palacio) and a workshop for university students on sustainable professional performance with the Earth Charter (6 July, at Cuencamé Polytechnic University).
In Pachuca, the focal point of the State of Hidalgo, Leodan Portes, organized an Earth Charter Workshop for Children, held between July 16 and 20, 2018.
In Tabasco, the focal point Leon Gutiérrez, organized a series of talks during the week of June 25-29. The talks focused on sharing what the Earth Charter is, and they were carried out in different locations: NGOs, a hotel, a bookstore, a school and a university.
In addition, several education institutions of Mexico endorsed the Earth Charter between May and June, more information here.