
Earth Charter International celebrates the Culture of Peace

The ECI communication efforts of 2016 will emphasize Principle 16 of the Earth Charter. In 2016, Earth Charter EC2b International has chosen to focus its communication efforts for the year on the 16th principle of the Earth Charter, which states:

Promote a culture of tolerance, nonviolence, and peace.

And the powerful final principle of the Earth Charter, 16 f states:

Recognize that peace is the wholeness created by right relationships with oneself, other persons, other cultures, other life, Earth, and the larger whole of which all are a part.

This last principle is an excellent definition of both peace and sustainability as articulated throughout the Earth Charter document. This definition draws attention to relationships and interconnections among all people and life. ECI is happy to present this year’s slogan.

Sowing a culture of peaceSowing a Culture of Peace

This slogan reflects the actions we are taking together to foster a culture that lives up to the Earth Charter principle 16 f’s definition of peace. ECI hopes you will use this slogan and be inspired to undertake activities and actions that foster a culture of peace. If you would like the slogan in another language, please, feel free to translate it.

We especially encourage you all to join us and the rest of the movement on June 29th, which from here on will be known as Earth Charter Day. We are planning actions for June 29th to celebrate the Earth Charter and focus on the 16th principle, and hope that the wider movement will join us.

We look forward to working with you in 2016!