On February 1st in 2010, Radio Télévision Catholique Elikya (RTCE) a denominational owned media in Kinshasa, welcomed for a broadcast Mr. Yannick Mathieu MIDI and Mr. Mons Ndudi NZEMBA, the president and the program manager of the youth organization Groupe Jeunesse Espoir/GROUJES. The purpose of the invitation was to introduce the Earth Charter for the public.
This broadcasting was an excellent opportunity for the youth group to introduce the Earth Charter’s ethical vision for the audience.
The following information was included:
- A short introduction to the Earth Charter;
- The reason why Groupe Jeunesse Espoir is integrating the principles and the values of the Earth Charter;
- The fundamental reason why the Earth Charter could be a source of inspiration for the DRC.
The prevailing arm conflict in the Eastern DRC has many complex dimensions (loss of biodiversity, massive corruption problem, disempowerment of the central government, etc.).
A very strong commitment to the values and some radical changes in thinking and acting, are absolutely essential in a rebuilding of a peaceful and sustainable nation.