ECI intern Andras Pauko visited Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) in December where he offered an Earth Charter inspired presentation for the LMU students, faculty and staff, held meetings with the leadership of the university, and interacted with student groups.
The presentation took place at the LMU School of Business on December 3rd, 2012. It included a brief presentation of the Earth Charter along with some Earth Charter YouTube videos, a PowerPoint presentation, courtesy of Ndanji Lesetedi, alumnus of the 2012 Earth Charter Youth Leadership, Sustainability and Ethics online course, a comparison between the new Dr. Seuss movie, The Lorax, and the principles of the Earth Charter, and a screening of The Lorax. Approximately 50 people attended, including student groups, such as LMU Earth Club and LMU Enactus, administration, and faculty members. Organic food and beverages were served as refreshments.
Following the presentation, Andras met with the President of Lincoln Memorial University, the Dean of the School of Business, the Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, and a few faculty members to discuss future collaboration possibilities. The series of meetings went very well and the LMU administration is fully supportive of the collaboration among the Earth Charter International Secretariat, the LMU Earth Club and the LMU Enactus, and the LMU faculty and staff.