On January 11, the yearly Earth Charter meeting in the Netherlands took place. Active members of the Earth Charter network gathered in Amsterdam, facilitated by ECI Affiliate NCDO. Alide Roerink, coordinator of the NCDO Earth Charter programme and ECI Council member interviewed Commissioners Ruud Lubbers and Awraham Soetendorp, who were the key inspirational speakers. The relevance of the Earth Charter for Rio+20 was the topical issue.
Members of the network shared their thoughts related to Rio+20 and highlighted the Earth Charter’s essential role. It was stressed that the moment for action is now. The Earth Charter Game, developed in Brazil by Harmonia na Terra, was presented, and participants had the opportunity to experience playing it. The responses were very positive.
In addition, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands referred to the Earth Charter in her Christmas speech and this created new impetus among citizens. A new initiative was launched by Ruud Lubbers to start a community of Friends of the Earth Charter in The Netherlands. Ideas were gathered to make this happen and several individuals are working on it.
For more information, see the video: